shell bypass 403

GrazzMean-Shell Shell

: /var/www/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
Uname: Linux wputd 5.4.0-200-generic #220-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 27 13:19:16 UTC 2024 x86_64
Software: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
PHP version: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 [ PHP INFO ] PHP os: Linux
Server Ip:
Your Ip:
User: www-data (33) | Group: www-data (33)
Safe Mode: OFF
Disable Function:

name : file.php
 * Filesystem API: Top-level functionality
 * Functions for reading, writing, modifying, and deleting files on the file system.
 * Includes functionality for theme-specific files as well as operations for uploading,
 * archiving, and rendering output when necessary.
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Filesystem
 * @since 2.3.0

/** The descriptions for theme files. */
$wp_file_descriptions = array(
	'functions.php'         => __( 'Theme Functions' ),
	'header.php'            => __( 'Theme Header' ),
	'footer.php'            => __( 'Theme Footer' ),
	'sidebar.php'           => __( 'Sidebar' ),
	'comments.php'          => __( 'Comments' ),
	'searchform.php'        => __( 'Search Form' ),
	'404.php'               => __( '404 Template' ),
	'link.php'              => __( 'Links Template' ),
	'theme.json'            => __( 'Theme Styles & Block Settings' ),
	// Archives.
	'index.php'             => __( 'Main Index Template' ),
	'archive.php'           => __( 'Archives' ),
	'author.php'            => __( 'Author Template' ),
	'taxonomy.php'          => __( 'Taxonomy Template' ),
	'category.php'          => __( 'Category Template' ),
	'tag.php'               => __( 'Tag Template' ),
	'home.php'              => __( 'Posts Page' ),
	'search.php'            => __( 'Search Results' ),
	'date.php'              => __( 'Date Template' ),
	// Content.
	'singular.php'          => __( 'Singular Template' ),
	'single.php'            => __( 'Single Post' ),
	'page.php'              => __( 'Single Page' ),
	'front-page.php'        => __( 'Homepage' ),
	'privacy-policy.php'    => __( 'Privacy Policy Page' ),
	// Attachments.
	'attachment.php'        => __( 'Attachment Template' ),
	'image.php'             => __( 'Image Attachment Template' ),
	'video.php'             => __( 'Video Attachment Template' ),
	'audio.php'             => __( 'Audio Attachment Template' ),
	'application.php'       => __( 'Application Attachment Template' ),
	// Embeds.
	'embed.php'             => __( 'Embed Template' ),
	'embed-404.php'         => __( 'Embed 404 Template' ),
	'embed-content.php'     => __( 'Embed Content Template' ),
	'header-embed.php'      => __( 'Embed Header Template' ),
	'footer-embed.php'      => __( 'Embed Footer Template' ),
	// Stylesheets.
	'style.css'             => __( 'Stylesheet' ),
	'editor-style.css'      => __( 'Visual Editor Stylesheet' ),
	'editor-style-rtl.css'  => __( 'Visual Editor RTL Stylesheet' ),
	'rtl.css'               => __( 'RTL Stylesheet' ),
	// Other.
	'my-hacks.php'          => __( 'my-hacks.php (legacy hacks support)' ),
	'.htaccess'             => __( '.htaccess (for rewrite rules )' ),
	// Deprecated files.
	'wp-layout.css'         => __( 'Stylesheet' ),
	'wp-comments.php'       => __( 'Comments Template' ),
	'wp-comments-popup.php' => __( 'Popup Comments Template' ),
	'comments-popup.php'    => __( 'Popup Comments' ),

 * Gets the description for standard WordPress theme files.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @global array $wp_file_descriptions Theme file descriptions.
 * @global array $allowed_files        List of allowed files.
 * @param string $file Filesystem path or filename.
 * @return string Description of file from $wp_file_descriptions or basename of $file if description doesn't exist.
 *                Appends 'Page Template' to basename of $file if the file is a page template.
function get_file_description( $file ) {
	global $wp_file_descriptions, $allowed_files;

	$dirname   = pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME );
	$file_path = $allowed_files[ $file ];

	if ( isset( $wp_file_descriptions[ basename( $file ) ] ) && '.' === $dirname ) {
		return $wp_file_descriptions[ basename( $file ) ];
	} elseif ( file_exists( $file_path ) && is_file( $file_path ) ) {
		$template_data = implode( '', file( $file_path ) );

		if ( preg_match( '|Template Name:(.*)$|mi', $template_data, $name ) ) {
			/* translators: %s: Template name. */
			return sprintf( __( '%s Page Template' ), _cleanup_header_comment( $name[1] ) );

	return trim( basename( $file ) );

 * Gets the absolute filesystem path to the root of the WordPress installation.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @return string Full filesystem path to the root of the WordPress installation.
function get_home_path() {
	$home    = set_url_scheme( get_option( 'home' ), 'http' );
	$siteurl = set_url_scheme( get_option( 'siteurl' ), 'http' );

	if ( ! empty( $home ) && 0 !== strcasecmp( $home, $siteurl ) ) {
		$wp_path_rel_to_home = str_ireplace( $home, '', $siteurl ); /* $siteurl - $home */
		$pos                 = strripos( str_replace( '\\', '/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ), trailingslashit( $wp_path_rel_to_home ) );
		$home_path           = substr( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, $pos );
		$home_path           = trailingslashit( $home_path );
	} else {
		$home_path = ABSPATH;

	return str_replace( '\\', '/', $home_path );

 * Returns a listing of all files in the specified folder and all subdirectories up to 100 levels deep.
 * The depth of the recursiveness can be controlled by the $levels param.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @since 4.9.0 Added the `$exclusions` parameter.
 * @since 6.3.0 Added the `$include_hidden` parameter.
 * @param string   $folder         Optional. Full path to folder. Default empty.
 * @param int      $levels         Optional. Levels of folders to follow, Default 100 (PHP Loop limit).
 * @param string[] $exclusions     Optional. List of folders and files to skip.
 * @param bool     $include_hidden Optional. Whether to include details of hidden ("." prefixed) files.
 *                                 Default false.
 * @return string[]|false Array of files on success, false on failure.
function list_files( $folder = '', $levels = 100, $exclusions = array(), $include_hidden = false ) {
	if ( empty( $folder ) ) {
		return false;

	$folder = trailingslashit( $folder );

	if ( ! $levels ) {
		return false;

	$files = array();

	$dir = @opendir( $folder );

	if ( $dir ) {
		while ( ( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) {
			// Skip current and parent folder links.
			if ( in_array( $file, array( '.', '..' ), true ) ) {

			// Skip hidden and excluded files.
			if ( ( ! $include_hidden && '.' === $file[0] ) || in_array( $file, $exclusions, true ) ) {

			if ( is_dir( $folder . $file ) ) {
				$files2 = list_files( $folder . $file, $levels - 1, array(), $include_hidden );
				if ( $files2 ) {
					$files = array_merge( $files, $files2 );
				} else {
					$files[] = $folder . $file . '/';
			} else {
				$files[] = $folder . $file;

		closedir( $dir );

	return $files;

 * Gets the list of file extensions that are editable in plugins.
 * @since 4.9.0
 * @param string $plugin Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
 * @return string[] Array of editable file extensions.
function wp_get_plugin_file_editable_extensions( $plugin ) {

	$default_types = array(

	 * Filters the list of file types allowed for editing in the plugin file editor.
	 * @since 2.8.0
	 * @since 4.9.0 Added the `$plugin` parameter.
	 * @param string[] $default_types An array of editable plugin file extensions.
	 * @param string   $plugin        Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
	$file_types = (array) apply_filters( 'editable_extensions', $default_types, $plugin );

	return $file_types;

 * Gets the list of file extensions that are editable for a given theme.
 * @since 4.9.0
 * @param WP_Theme $theme Theme object.
 * @return string[] Array of editable file extensions.
function wp_get_theme_file_editable_extensions( $theme ) {

	$default_types = array(

	 * Filters the list of file types allowed for editing in the theme file editor.
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @param string[] $default_types An array of editable theme file extensions.
	 * @param WP_Theme $theme         The active theme object.
	$file_types = apply_filters( 'wp_theme_editor_filetypes', $default_types, $theme );

	// Ensure that default types are still there.
	return array_unique( array_merge( $file_types, $default_types ) );

 * Prints file editor templates (for plugins and themes).
 * @since 4.9.0
function wp_print_file_editor_templates() {
	<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-wp-file-editor-notice">
		<div class="notice inline notice-{{ data.type || 'info' }} {{ data.alt ? 'notice-alt' : '' }} {{ data.dismissible ? 'is-dismissible' : '' }} {{ data.classes || '' }}">
			<# if ( 'php_error' === data.code ) { #>
						/* translators: 1: Line number, 2: File path. */
						__( 'Your PHP code changes were not applied due to an error on line %1$s of file %2$s. Please fix and try saving again.' ),
						'{{ data.line }}',
						'{{ data.file }}'
				<pre>{{ data.message }}</pre>
			<# } else if ( 'file_not_writable' === data.code ) { #>
						/* translators: %s: Documentation URL. */
						__( 'You need to make this file writable before you can save your changes. See <a href="%s">Changing File Permissions</a> for more information.' ),
						__( '' )
			<# } else { #>
				<p>{{ data.message || data.code }}</p>

				<# if ( 'lint_errors' === data.code ) { #>
						<# var elementId = 'el-' + String( Math.random() ); #>
						<input id="{{ elementId }}"  type="checkbox">
						<label for="{{ elementId }}"><?php _e( 'Update anyway, even though it might break your site?' ); ?></label>
				<# } #>
			<# } #>
			<# if ( data.dismissible ) { #>
				<button type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">
					/* translators: Hidden accessibility text. */
					_e( 'Dismiss' );
			<# } #>

 * Attempts to edit a file for a theme or plugin.
 * When editing a PHP file, loopback requests will be made to the admin and the homepage
 * to attempt to see if there is a fatal error introduced. If so, the PHP change will be
 * reverted.
 * @since 4.9.0
 * @param string[] $args {
 *     Args. Note that all of the arg values are already unslashed. They are, however,
 *     coming straight from `$_POST` and are not validated or sanitized in any way.
 *     @type string $file       Relative path to file.
 *     @type string $plugin     Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
 *     @type string $theme      Theme being edited.
 *     @type string $newcontent New content for the file.
 *     @type string $nonce      Nonce.
 * }
 * @return true|WP_Error True on success or `WP_Error` on failure.
function wp_edit_theme_plugin_file( $args ) {
	if ( empty( $args['file'] ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'missing_file' );

	if ( 0 !== validate_file( $args['file'] ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'bad_file' );

	if ( ! isset( $args['newcontent'] ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'missing_content' );

	if ( ! isset( $args['nonce'] ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'missing_nonce' );

	$file    = $args['file'];
	$content = $args['newcontent'];

	$plugin    = null;
	$theme     = null;
	$real_file = null;

	if ( ! empty( $args['plugin'] ) ) {
		$plugin = $args['plugin'];

		if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_plugins' ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'unauthorized', __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit plugins for this site.' ) );

		if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $args['nonce'], 'edit-plugin_' . $file ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'nonce_failure' );

		if ( ! array_key_exists( $plugin, get_plugins() ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'invalid_plugin' );

		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $file, get_plugin_files( $plugin ) ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'bad_plugin_file_path', __( 'Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' ) );

		$editable_extensions = wp_get_plugin_file_editable_extensions( $plugin );

		$real_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $file;

		$is_active = in_array(
			(array) get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ),

	} elseif ( ! empty( $args['theme'] ) ) {
		$stylesheet = $args['theme'];

		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $stylesheet ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'bad_theme_path' );

		if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_themes' ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'unauthorized', __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit templates for this site.' ) );

		$theme = wp_get_theme( $stylesheet );
		if ( ! $theme->exists() ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'non_existent_theme', __( 'The requested theme does not exist.' ) );

		if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $args['nonce'], 'edit-theme_' . $stylesheet . '_' . $file ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'nonce_failure' );

		if ( $theme->errors() && 'theme_no_stylesheet' === $theme->errors()->get_error_code() ) {
			return new WP_Error(
				__( 'The requested theme does not exist.' ) . ' ' . $theme->errors()->get_error_message()

		$editable_extensions = wp_get_theme_file_editable_extensions( $theme );

		$allowed_files = array();
		foreach ( $editable_extensions as $type ) {
			switch ( $type ) {
				case 'php':
					$allowed_files = array_merge( $allowed_files, $theme->get_files( 'php', -1 ) );
				case 'css':
					$style_files                = $theme->get_files( 'css', -1 );
					$allowed_files['style.css'] = $style_files['style.css'];
					$allowed_files              = array_merge( $allowed_files, $style_files );
					$allowed_files = array_merge( $allowed_files, $theme->get_files( $type, -1 ) );

		// Compare based on relative paths.
		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $file, array_keys( $allowed_files ) ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'disallowed_theme_file', __( 'Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' ) );

		$real_file = $theme->get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file;

		$is_active = ( get_stylesheet() === $stylesheet || get_template() === $stylesheet );

	} else {
		return new WP_Error( 'missing_theme_or_plugin' );

	// Ensure file is real.
	if ( ! is_file( $real_file ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'file_does_not_exist', __( 'File does not exist! Please double check the name and try again.' ) );

	// Ensure file extension is allowed.
	$extension = null;
	if ( preg_match( '/\.([^.]+)$/', $real_file, $matches ) ) {
		$extension = strtolower( $matches[1] );
		if ( ! in_array( $extension, $editable_extensions, true ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'illegal_file_type', __( 'Files of this type are not editable.' ) );

	$previous_content = file_get_contents( $real_file );

	if ( ! is_writable( $real_file ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'file_not_writable' );

	$f = fopen( $real_file, 'w+' );

	if ( false === $f ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'file_not_writable' );

	$written = fwrite( $f, $content );
	fclose( $f );

	if ( false === $written ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'unable_to_write', __( 'Unable to write to file.' ) );

	wp_opcache_invalidate( $real_file, true );

	if ( $is_active && 'php' === $extension ) {

		$scrape_key   = md5( rand() );
		$transient    = 'scrape_key_' . $scrape_key;
		$scrape_nonce = (string) rand();
		// It shouldn't take more than 60 seconds to make the two loopback requests.
		set_transient( $transient, $scrape_nonce, 60 );

		$cookies       = wp_unslash( $_COOKIE );
		$scrape_params = array(
			'wp_scrape_key'   => $scrape_key,
			'wp_scrape_nonce' => $scrape_nonce,
		$headers       = array(
			'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',

		/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http-streams.php */
		$sslverify = apply_filters( 'https_local_ssl_verify', false );

		// Include Basic auth in loopback requests.
		if ( isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) && isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ) ) {
			$headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) . ':' . wp_unslash( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ) );

		// Make sure PHP process doesn't die before loopback requests complete.
		if ( function_exists( 'set_time_limit' ) ) {
			set_time_limit( 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );

		// Time to wait for loopback requests to finish.
		$timeout = 100; // 100 seconds.

		$needle_start = "###### wp_scraping_result_start:$scrape_key ######";
		$needle_end   = "###### wp_scraping_result_end:$scrape_key ######";

		// Attempt loopback request to editor to see if user just whitescreened themselves.
		if ( $plugin ) {
			$url = add_query_arg( compact( 'plugin', 'file' ), admin_url( 'plugin-editor.php' ) );
		} elseif ( isset( $stylesheet ) ) {
			$url = add_query_arg(
					'theme' => $stylesheet,
					'file'  => $file,
				admin_url( 'theme-editor.php' )
		} else {
			$url = admin_url();

		if ( function_exists( 'session_status' ) && PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE === session_status() ) {
			 * Close any active session to prevent HTTP requests from timing out
			 * when attempting to connect back to the site.

		$url                    = add_query_arg( $scrape_params, $url );
		$r                      = wp_remote_get( $url, compact( 'cookies', 'headers', 'timeout', 'sslverify' ) );
		$body                   = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $r );
		$scrape_result_position = strpos( $body, $needle_start );

		$loopback_request_failure = array(
			'code'    => 'loopback_request_failed',
			'message' => __( 'Unable to communicate back with site to check for fatal errors, so the PHP change was reverted. You will need to upload your PHP file change by some other means, such as by using SFTP.' ),
		$json_parse_failure       = array(
			'code' => 'json_parse_error',

		$result = null;

		if ( false === $scrape_result_position ) {
			$result = $loopback_request_failure;
		} else {
			$error_output = substr( $body, $scrape_result_position + strlen( $needle_start ) );
			$error_output = substr( $error_output, 0, strpos( $error_output, $needle_end ) );
			$result       = json_decode( trim( $error_output ), true );
			if ( empty( $result ) ) {
				$result = $json_parse_failure;

		// Try making request to homepage as well to see if visitors have been whitescreened.
		if ( true === $result ) {
			$url                    = home_url( '/' );
			$url                    = add_query_arg( $scrape_params, $url );
			$r                      = wp_remote_get( $url, compact( 'cookies', 'headers', 'timeout', 'sslverify' ) );
			$body                   = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $r );
			$scrape_result_position = strpos( $body, $needle_start );

			if ( false === $scrape_result_position ) {
				$result = $loopback_request_failure;
			} else {
				$error_output = substr( $body, $scrape_result_position + strlen( $needle_start ) );
				$error_output = substr( $error_output, 0, strpos( $error_output, $needle_end ) );
				$result       = json_decode( trim( $error_output ), true );
				if ( empty( $result ) ) {
					$result = $json_parse_failure;

		delete_transient( $transient );

		if ( true !== $result ) {
			// Roll-back file change.
			file_put_contents( $real_file, $previous_content );
			wp_opcache_invalidate( $real_file, true );

			if ( ! isset( $result['message'] ) ) {
				$message = __( 'Something went wrong.' );
			} else {
				$message = $result['message'];
				unset( $result['message'] );

			return new WP_Error( 'php_error', $message, $result );

	if ( $theme instanceof WP_Theme ) {

	return true;

 * Returns a filename of a temporary unique file.
 * Please note that the calling function must delete or move the file.
 * The filename is based off the passed parameter or defaults to the current unix timestamp,
 * while the directory can either be passed as well, or by leaving it blank, default to a writable
 * temporary directory.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param string $filename Optional. Filename to base the Unique file off. Default empty.
 * @param string $dir      Optional. Directory to store the file in. Default empty.
 * @return string A writable filename.
function wp_tempnam( $filename = '', $dir = '' ) {
	if ( empty( $dir ) ) {
		$dir = get_temp_dir();

	if ( empty( $filename ) || in_array( $filename, array( '.', '/', '\\' ), true ) ) {
		$filename = uniqid();

	// Use the basename of the given file without the extension as the name for the temporary directory.
	$temp_filename = basename( $filename );
	$temp_filename = preg_replace( '|\.[^.]*$|', '', $temp_filename );

	// If the folder is falsey, use its parent directory name instead.
	if ( ! $temp_filename ) {
		return wp_tempnam( dirname( $filename ), $dir );

	// Suffix some random data to avoid filename conflicts.
	$temp_filename .= '-' . wp_generate_password( 6, false );
	$temp_filename .= '.tmp';
	$temp_filename  = wp_unique_filename( $dir, $temp_filename );

	 * Filesystems typically have a limit of 255 characters for a filename.
	 * If the generated unique filename exceeds this, truncate the initial
	 * filename and try again.
	 * As it's possible that the truncated filename may exist, producing a
	 * suffix of "-1" or "-10" which could exceed the limit again, truncate
	 * it to 252 instead.
	$characters_over_limit = strlen( $temp_filename ) - 252;
	if ( $characters_over_limit > 0 ) {
		$filename = substr( $filename, 0, -$characters_over_limit );
		return wp_tempnam( $filename, $dir );

	$temp_filename = $dir . $temp_filename;

	$fp = @fopen( $temp_filename, 'x' );

	if ( ! $fp && is_writable( $dir ) && file_exists( $temp_filename ) ) {
		return wp_tempnam( $filename, $dir );

	if ( $fp ) {
		fclose( $fp );

	return $temp_filename;

 * Makes sure that the file that was requested to be edited is allowed to be edited.
 * Function will die if you are not allowed to edit the file.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @param string   $file          File the user is attempting to edit.
 * @param string[] $allowed_files Optional. Array of allowed files to edit.
 *                                `$file` must match an entry exactly.
 * @return string|void Returns the file name on success, dies on failure.
function validate_file_to_edit( $file, $allowed_files = array() ) {
	$code = validate_file( $file, $allowed_files );

	if ( ! $code ) {
		return $file;

	switch ( $code ) {
		case 1:
			wp_die( __( 'Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' ) );

			// case 2 :
			// wp_die( __('Sorry, cannot call files with their real path.' ));

		case 3:
			wp_die( __( 'Sorry, that file cannot be edited.' ) );

 * Handles PHP uploads in WordPress.
 * Sanitizes file names, checks extensions for mime type, and moves the file
 * to the appropriate directory within the uploads directory.
 * @access private
 * @since 4.0.0
 * @see wp_handle_upload_error
 * @param array       $file      {
 *     Reference to a single element from `$_FILES`. Call the function once for each uploaded file.
 *     @type string $name     The original name of the file on the client machine.
 *     @type string $type     The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information.
 *     @type string $tmp_name The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.
 *     @type int    $size     The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
 *     @type int    $error    The error code associated with this file upload.
 * }
 * @param array|false $overrides {
 *     An array of override parameters for this file, or boolean false if none are provided.
 *     @type callable $upload_error_handler     Function to call when there is an error during the upload process.
 *                                              See {@see wp_handle_upload_error()}.
 *     @type callable $unique_filename_callback Function to call when determining a unique file name for the file.
 *                                              See {@see wp_unique_filename()}.
 *     @type string[] $upload_error_strings     The strings that describe the error indicated in
 *                                              `$_FILES[{form field}]['error']`.
 *     @type bool     $test_form                Whether to test that the `$_POST['action']` parameter is as expected.
 *     @type bool     $test_size                Whether to test that the file size is greater than zero bytes.
 *     @type bool     $test_type                Whether to test that the mime type of the file is as expected.
 *     @type string[] $mimes                    Array of allowed mime types keyed by their file extension regex.
 * }
 * @param string      $time      Time formatted in 'yyyy/mm'.
 * @param string      $action    Expected value for `$_POST['action']`.
 * @return array {
 *     On success, returns an associative array of file attributes.
 *     On failure, returns `$overrides['upload_error_handler']( &$file, $message )`
 *     or `array( 'error' => $message )`.
 *     @type string $file Filename of the newly-uploaded file.
 *     @type string $url  URL of the newly-uploaded file.
 *     @type string $type Mime type of the newly-uploaded file.
 * }
function _wp_handle_upload( &$file, $overrides, $time, $action ) {
	// The default error handler.
	if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_handle_upload_error' ) ) {
		function wp_handle_upload_error( &$file, $message ) {
			return array( 'error' => $message );

	 * Filters the data for a file before it is uploaded to WordPress.
	 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$action`, refers to the post action.
	 * Possible hook names include:
	 *  - `wp_handle_sideload_prefilter`
	 *  - `wp_handle_upload_prefilter`
	 * @since 2.9.0 as 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter'.
	 * @since 4.0.0 Converted to a dynamic hook with `$action`.
	 * @param array $file {
	 *     Reference to a single element from `$_FILES`.
	 *     @type string $name     The original name of the file on the client machine.
	 *     @type string $type     The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information.
	 *     @type string $tmp_name The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.
	 *     @type int    $size     The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
	 *     @type int    $error    The error code associated with this file upload.
	 * }
	$file = apply_filters( "{$action}_prefilter", $file );

	 * Filters the override parameters for a file before it is uploaded to WordPress.
	 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$action`, refers to the post action.
	 * Possible hook names include:
	 *  - `wp_handle_sideload_overrides`
	 *  - `wp_handle_upload_overrides`
	 * @since 5.7.0
	 * @param array|false $overrides An array of override parameters for this file. Boolean false if none are
	 *                               provided. See {@see _wp_handle_upload()}.
	 * @param array       $file      {
	 *     Reference to a single element from `$_FILES`.
	 *     @type string $name     The original name of the file on the client machine.
	 *     @type string $type     The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information.
	 *     @type string $tmp_name The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.
	 *     @type int    $size     The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
	 *     @type int    $error    The error code associated with this file upload.
	 * }
	$overrides = apply_filters( "{$action}_overrides", $overrides, $file );

	// You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['upload_error_handler'].
	$upload_error_handler = 'wp_handle_upload_error';
	if ( isset( $overrides['upload_error_handler'] ) ) {
		$upload_error_handler = $overrides['upload_error_handler'];

	// You may have had one or more 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter' functions error out the file. Handle that gracefully.
	if ( isset( $file['error'] ) && ! is_numeric( $file['error'] ) && $file['error'] ) {
		return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, $file['error'] ) );

	// Install user overrides. Did we mention that this voids your warranty?

	// You may define your own function and pass the name in $overrides['unique_filename_callback'].
	$unique_filename_callback = null;
	if ( isset( $overrides['unique_filename_callback'] ) ) {
		$unique_filename_callback = $overrides['unique_filename_callback'];

	 * This may not have originally been intended to be overridable,
	 * but historically has been.
	if ( isset( $overrides['upload_error_strings'] ) ) {
		$upload_error_strings = $overrides['upload_error_strings'];
	} else {
		// Courtesy of, the strings that describe the error indicated in $_FILES[{form field}]['error'].
		$upload_error_strings = array(
				/* translators: 1: upload_max_filesize, 2: php.ini */
				__( 'The uploaded file exceeds the %1$s directive in %2$s.' ),
				/* translators: %s: MAX_FILE_SIZE */
				__( 'The uploaded file exceeds the %s directive that was specified in the HTML form.' ),
			__( 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.' ),
			__( 'No file was uploaded.' ),
			__( 'Missing a temporary folder.' ),
			__( 'Failed to write file to disk.' ),
			__( 'File upload stopped by extension.' ),

	// All tests are on by default. Most can be turned off by $overrides[{test_name}] = false;
	$test_form = isset( $overrides['test_form'] ) ? $overrides['test_form'] : true;
	$test_size = isset( $overrides['test_size'] ) ? $overrides['test_size'] : true;

	// If you override this, you must provide $ext and $type!!
	$test_type = isset( $overrides['test_type'] ) ? $overrides['test_type'] : true;
	$mimes     = isset( $overrides['mimes'] ) ? $overrides['mimes'] : null;

	// A correct form post will pass this test.
	if ( $test_form && ( ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) || $_POST['action'] !== $action ) ) {
		return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, __( 'Invalid form submission.' ) ) );

	// A successful upload will pass this test. It makes no sense to override this one.
	if ( isset( $file['error'] ) && $file['error'] > 0 ) {
		return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, $upload_error_strings[ $file['error'] ] ) );

	// A properly uploaded file will pass this test. There should be no reason to override this one.
	$test_uploaded_file = 'wp_handle_upload' === $action ? is_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'] ) : @is_readable( $file['tmp_name'] );
	if ( ! $test_uploaded_file ) {
		return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, __( 'Specified file failed upload test.' ) ) );

	$test_file_size = 'wp_handle_upload' === $action ? $file['size'] : filesize( $file['tmp_name'] );
	// A non-empty file will pass this test.
	if ( $test_size && ! ( $test_file_size > 0 ) ) {
		if ( is_multisite() ) {
			$error_msg = __( 'File is empty. Please upload something more substantial.' );
		} else {
			$error_msg = sprintf(
				/* translators: 1: php.ini, 2: post_max_size, 3: upload_max_filesize */
				__( 'File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your %1$s file or by %2$s being defined as smaller than %3$s in %1$s.' ),

		return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, $error_msg ) );

	// A correct MIME type will pass this test. Override $mimes or use the upload_mimes filter.
	if ( $test_type ) {
		$wp_filetype     = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $file['tmp_name'], $file['name'], $mimes );
		$ext             = empty( $wp_filetype['ext'] ) ? '' : $wp_filetype['ext'];
		$type            = empty( $wp_filetype['type'] ) ? '' : $wp_filetype['type'];
		$proper_filename = empty( $wp_filetype['proper_filename'] ) ? '' : $wp_filetype['proper_filename'];

		// Check to see if wp_check_filetype_and_ext() determined the filename was incorrect.
		if ( $proper_filename ) {
			$file['name'] = $proper_filename;

		if ( ( ! $type || ! $ext ) && ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_upload' ) ) {
			return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this file type.' ) ) );

		if ( ! $type ) {
			$type = $file['type'];
	} else {
		$type = '';

	 * A writable uploads dir will pass this test. Again, there's no point
	 * overriding this one.
	$uploads = wp_upload_dir( $time );
	if ( ! ( $uploads && false === $uploads['error'] ) ) {
		return call_user_func_array( $upload_error_handler, array( &$file, $uploads['error'] ) );

	$filename = wp_unique_filename( $uploads['path'], $file['name'], $unique_filename_callback );

	// Move the file to the uploads dir.
	$new_file = $uploads['path'] . "/$filename";

	 * Filters whether to short-circuit moving the uploaded file after passing all checks.
	 * If a non-null value is returned from the filter, moving the file and any related
	 * error reporting will be completely skipped.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @param mixed    $move_new_file If null (default) move the file after the upload.
	 * @param array    $file          {
	 *     Reference to a single element from `$_FILES`.
	 *     @type string $name     The original name of the file on the client machine.
	 *     @type string $type     The mime type of the file, if the browser provided this information.
	 *     @type string $tmp_name The temporary filename of the file in which the uploaded file was stored on the server.
	 *     @type int    $size     The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file.
	 *     @type int    $error    The error code associated with this file upload.
	 * }
	 * @param string   $new_file      Filename of the newly-uploaded file.
	 * @param string   $type          Mime type of the newly-uploaded file.
	$move_new_file = apply_filters( 'pre_move_uploaded_file', null, $file, $new_file, $type );

	if ( null === $move_new_file ) {
		if ( 'wp_handle_upload' === $action ) {
			$move_new_file = @move_uploaded_file( $file['tmp_name'], $new_file );
		} else {
			// Use copy and unlink because rename breaks streams.
			// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged
			$move_new_file = @copy( $file['tmp_name'], $new_file );
			unlink( $file['tmp_name'] );

		if ( false === $move_new_file ) {
			if ( str_starts_with( $uploads['basedir'], ABSPATH ) ) {
				$error_path = str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $uploads['basedir'] ) . $uploads['subdir'];
			} else {
				$error_path = basename( $uploads['basedir'] ) . $uploads['subdir'];

			return $upload_error_handler(
					/* translators: %s: Destination file path. */
					__( 'The uploaded file could not be moved to %s.' ),

	// Set correct file permissions.
	$stat  = stat( dirname( $new_file ) );
	$perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666;
	chmod( $new_file, $perms );

	// Compute the URL.
	$url = $uploads['url'] . "/$filename";

	if ( is_multisite() ) {
		clean_dirsize_cache( $new_file );

	 * Filters the data array for the uploaded file.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @param array  $upload {
	 *     Array of upload data.
	 *     @type string $file Filename of the newly-uploaded file.
	 *     @type string $url  URL of the newly-uploaded file.
	 *     @type string $type Mime type of the newly-uploaded file.
	 * }
	 * @param string $context The type of upload action. Values include 'upload' or 'sideload'.
	return apply_filters(
			'file' => $new_file,
			'url'  => $url,
			'type' => $type,
		'wp_handle_sideload' === $action ? 'sideload' : 'upload'

 * Wrapper for _wp_handle_upload().
 * Passes the {@see 'wp_handle_upload'} action.
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @see _wp_handle_upload()
 * @param array       $file      Reference to a single element of `$_FILES`.
 *                               Call the function once for each uploaded file.
 *                               See _wp_handle_upload() for accepted values.
 * @param array|false $overrides Optional. An associative array of names => values
 *                               to override default variables. Default false.
 *                               See _wp_handle_upload() for accepted values.
 * @param string|null $time      Optional. Time formatted in 'yyyy/mm'. Default null.
 * @return array See _wp_handle_upload() for return value.
function wp_handle_upload( &$file, $overrides = false, $time = null ) {
	 *  $_POST['action'] must be set and its value must equal $overrides['action']
	 *  or this:
	$action = 'wp_handle_upload';
	if ( isset( $overrides['action'] ) ) {
		$action = $overrides['action'];

	return _wp_handle_upload( $file, $overrides, $time, $action );

 * Wrapper for _wp_handle_upload().
 * Passes the {@see 'wp_handle_sideload'} action.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @see _wp_handle_upload()
 * @param array       $file      Reference to a single element of `$_FILES`.
 *                               Call the function once for each uploaded file.
 *                               See _wp_handle_upload() for accepted values.
 * @param array|false $overrides Optional. An associative array of names => values
 *                               to override default variables. Default false.
 *                               See _wp_handle_upload() for accepted values.
 * @param string|null $time      Optional. Time formatted in 'yyyy/mm'. Default null.
 * @return array See _wp_handle_upload() for return value.
function wp_handle_sideload( &$file, $overrides = false, $time = null ) {
	 *  $_POST['action'] must be set and its value must equal $overrides['action']
	 *  or this:
	$action = 'wp_handle_sideload';
	if ( isset( $overrides['action'] ) ) {
		$action = $overrides['action'];

	return _wp_handle_upload( $file, $overrides, $time, $action );

 * Downloads a URL to a local temporary file using the WordPress HTTP API.
 * Please note that the calling function must delete or move the file.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @since 5.2.0 Signature Verification with SoftFail was added.
 * @since 5.9.0 Support for Content-Disposition filename was added.
 * @param string $url                    The URL of the file to download.
 * @param int    $timeout                The timeout for the request to download the file.
 *                                       Default 300 seconds.
 * @param bool   $signature_verification Whether to perform Signature Verification.
 *                                       Default false.
 * @return string|WP_Error Filename on success, WP_Error on failure.
function download_url( $url, $timeout = 300, $signature_verification = false ) {
	// WARNING: The file is not automatically deleted, the script must delete or move the file.
	if ( ! $url ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'http_no_url', __( 'No URL Provided.' ) );

	$url_path     = parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH );
	$url_filename = '';
	if ( is_string( $url_path ) && '' !== $url_path ) {
		$url_filename = basename( $url_path );

	$tmpfname = wp_tempnam( $url_filename );
	if ( ! $tmpfname ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'http_no_file', __( 'Could not create temporary file.' ) );

	$response = wp_safe_remote_get(
			'timeout'  => $timeout,
			'stream'   => true,
			'filename' => $tmpfname,

	if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
		unlink( $tmpfname );
		return $response;

	$response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );

	if ( 200 !== $response_code ) {
		$data = array(
			'code' => $response_code,

		// Retrieve a sample of the response body for debugging purposes.
		$tmpf = fopen( $tmpfname, 'rb' );

		if ( $tmpf ) {
			 * Filters the maximum error response body size in `download_url()`.
			 * @since 5.1.0
			 * @see download_url()
			 * @param int $size The maximum error response body size. Default 1 KB.
			$response_size = apply_filters( 'download_url_error_max_body_size', KB_IN_BYTES );

			$data['body'] = fread( $tmpf, $response_size );
			fclose( $tmpf );

		unlink( $tmpfname );

		return new WP_Error( 'http_404', trim( wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response ) ), $data );

	$content_disposition = wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'Content-Disposition' );

	if ( $content_disposition ) {
		$content_disposition = strtolower( $content_disposition );

		if ( str_starts_with( $content_disposition, 'attachment; filename=' ) ) {
			$tmpfname_disposition = sanitize_file_name( substr( $content_disposition, 21 ) );
		} else {
			$tmpfname_disposition = '';

		// Potential file name must be valid string.
		if ( $tmpfname_disposition && is_string( $tmpfname_disposition )
			&& ( 0 === validate_file( $tmpfname_disposition ) )
		) {
			$tmpfname_disposition = dirname( $tmpfname ) . '/' . $tmpfname_disposition;

			if ( rename( $tmpfname, $tmpfname_disposition ) ) {
				$tmpfname = $tmpfname_disposition;

			if ( ( $tmpfname !== $tmpfname_disposition ) && file_exists( $tmpfname_disposition ) ) {
				unlink( $tmpfname_disposition );

	$content_md5 = wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'Content-MD5' );

	if ( $content_md5 ) {
		$md5_check = verify_file_md5( $tmpfname, $content_md5 );

		if ( is_wp_error( $md5_check ) ) {
			unlink( $tmpfname );
			return $md5_check;

	// If the caller expects signature verification to occur, check to see if this URL supports it.
	if ( $signature_verification ) {
		 * Filters the list of hosts which should have Signature Verification attempted on.
		 * @since 5.2.0
		 * @param string[] $hostnames List of hostnames.
		$signed_hostnames = apply_filters( 'wp_signature_hosts', array( '', '', '' ) );

		$signature_verification = in_array( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ), $signed_hostnames, true );

	// Perform signature validation if supported.
	if ( $signature_verification ) {
		$signature = wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'X-Content-Signature' );

		if ( ! $signature ) {
			 * Retrieve signatures from a file if the header wasn't included.
			 * stores signatures at $package_url.sig.

			$signature_url = false;

			if ( is_string( $url_path ) && ( str_ends_with( $url_path, '.zip' ) || str_ends_with( $url_path, '.tar.gz' ) ) ) {
				$signature_url = str_replace( $url_path, $url_path . '.sig', $url );

			 * Filters the URL where the signature for a file is located.
			 * @since 5.2.0
			 * @param false|string $signature_url The URL where signatures can be found for a file, or false if none are known.
			 * @param string $url                 The URL being verified.
			$signature_url = apply_filters( 'wp_signature_url', $signature_url, $url );

			if ( $signature_url ) {
				$signature_request = wp_safe_remote_get(
						'limit_response_size' => 10 * KB_IN_BYTES, // 10KB should be large enough for quite a few signatures.

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $signature_request ) && 200 === wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $signature_request ) ) {
					$signature = explode( "\n", wp_remote_retrieve_body( $signature_request ) );

		// Perform the checks.
		$signature_verification = verify_file_signature( $tmpfname, $signature, $url_filename );

	if ( is_wp_error( $signature_verification ) ) {
		if (
			 * Filters whether Signature Verification failures should be allowed to soft fail.
			 * WARNING: This may be removed from a future release.
			 * @since 5.2.0
			 * @param bool   $signature_softfail If a softfail is allowed.
			 * @param string $url                The url being accessed.
			apply_filters( 'wp_signature_softfail', true, $url )
		) {
			$signature_verification->add_data( $tmpfname, 'softfail-filename' );
		} else {
			// Hard-fail.
			unlink( $tmpfname );

		return $signature_verification;

	return $tmpfname;

 * Calculates and compares the MD5 of a file to its expected value.
 * @since 3.7.0
 * @param string $filename     The filename to check the MD5 of.
 * @param string $expected_md5 The expected MD5 of the file, either a base64-encoded raw md5,
 *                             or a hex-encoded md5.
 * @return bool|WP_Error True on success, false when the MD5 format is unknown/unexpected,
 *                       WP_Error on failure.
function verify_file_md5( $filename, $expected_md5 ) {
	if ( 32 === strlen( $expected_md5 ) ) {
		$expected_raw_md5 = pack( 'H*', $expected_md5 );
	} elseif ( 24 === strlen( $expected_md5 ) ) {
		$expected_raw_md5 = base64_decode( $expected_md5 );
	} else {
		return false; // Unknown format.

	$file_md5 = md5_file( $filename, true );

	if ( $file_md5 === $expected_raw_md5 ) {
		return true;

	return new WP_Error(
			/* translators: 1: File checksum, 2: Expected checksum value. */
			__( 'The checksum of the file (%1$s) does not match the expected checksum value (%2$s).' ),
			bin2hex( $file_md5 ),
			bin2hex( $expected_raw_md5 )

 * Verifies the contents of a file against its ED25519 signature.
 * @since 5.2.0
 * @param string       $filename            The file to validate.
 * @param string|array $signatures          A Signature provided for the file.
 * @param string|false $filename_for_errors Optional. A friendly filename for errors.
 * @return bool|WP_Error True on success, false if verification not attempted,
 *                       or WP_Error describing an error condition.
function verify_file_signature( $filename, $signatures, $filename_for_errors = false ) {
	if ( ! $filename_for_errors ) {
		$filename_for_errors = wp_basename( $filename );

	// Check we can process signatures.
	if ( ! function_exists( 'sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached' ) || ! in_array( 'sha384', array_map( 'strtolower', hash_algos() ), true ) ) {
		return new WP_Error(
				/* translators: %s: The filename of the package. */
				__( 'The authenticity of %s could not be verified as signature verification is unavailable on this system.' ),
				'<span class="code">' . esc_html( $filename_for_errors ) . '</span>'
			( ! function_exists( 'sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached' ) ? 'sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached' : 'sha384' )

	// Check for an edge-case affecting PHP Maths abilities.
	if (
		! extension_loaded( 'sodium' ) &&
		in_array( PHP_VERSION_ID, array( 70200, 70201, 70202 ), true ) &&
		extension_loaded( 'opcache' )
	) {
		 * Sodium_Compat isn't compatible with PHP 7.2.0~7.2.2 due to a bug in the PHP Opcache extension, bail early as it'll fail.
		return new WP_Error(
				/* translators: %s: The filename of the package. */
				__( 'The authenticity of %s could not be verified as signature verification is unavailable on this system.' ),
				'<span class="code">' . esc_html( $filename_for_errors ) . '</span>'
				'php'    => PHP_VERSION,
				'sodium' => defined( 'SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION' ) ? SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION : ( defined( 'ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::VERSION_STRING' ) ? ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::VERSION_STRING : false ),

	// Verify runtime speed of Sodium_Compat is acceptable.
	if ( ! extension_loaded( 'sodium' ) && ! ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::polyfill_is_fast() ) {
		$sodium_compat_is_fast = false;

		// Allow for an old version of Sodium_Compat being loaded before the bundled WordPress one.
		if ( method_exists( 'ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat', 'runtime_speed_test' ) ) {
			 * Run `ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::runtime_speed_test()` in optimized integer mode,
			 * as that's what WordPress utilizes during signing verifications.
			// phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName
			$old_fastMult                      = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult;
			ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult = true;
			$sodium_compat_is_fast             = ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::runtime_speed_test( 100, 10 );
			ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::$fastMult = $old_fastMult;
			// phpcs:enable

		 * This cannot be performed in a reasonable amount of time.
		if ( ! $sodium_compat_is_fast ) {
			return new WP_Error(
					/* translators: %s: The filename of the package. */
					__( 'The authenticity of %s could not be verified as signature verification is unavailable on this system.' ),
					'<span class="code">' . esc_html( $filename_for_errors ) . '</span>'
					'php'                => PHP_VERSION,
					'sodium'             => defined( 'SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION' ) ? SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION : ( defined( 'ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::VERSION_STRING' ) ? ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::VERSION_STRING : false ),
					'polyfill_is_fast'   => false,
					'max_execution_time' => ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ),

	if ( ! $signatures ) {
		return new WP_Error(
				/* translators: %s: The filename of the package. */
				__( 'The authenticity of %s could not be verified as no signature was found.' ),
				'<span class="code">' . esc_html( $filename_for_errors ) . '</span>'
				'filename' => $filename_for_errors,

	$trusted_keys = wp_trusted_keys();
	$file_hash    = hash_file( 'sha384', $filename, true );


	$skipped_key       = 0;
	$skipped_signature = 0;

	foreach ( (array) $signatures as $signature ) {
		$signature_raw = base64_decode( $signature );

		// Ensure only valid-length signatures are considered.
		if ( SODIUM_CRYPTO_SIGN_BYTES !== strlen( $signature_raw ) ) {

		foreach ( (array) $trusted_keys as $key ) {
			$key_raw = base64_decode( $key );

			// Only pass valid public keys through.
			if ( SODIUM_CRYPTO_SIGN_PUBLICKEYBYTES !== strlen( $key_raw ) ) {

			if ( sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached( $signature_raw, $file_hash, $key_raw ) ) {
				return true;


	return new WP_Error(
			/* translators: %s: The filename of the package. */
			__( 'The authenticity of %s could not be verified.' ),
			'<span class="code">' . esc_html( $filename_for_errors ) . '</span>'
		// Error data helpful for debugging:
			'filename'    => $filename_for_errors,
			'keys'        => $trusted_keys,
			'signatures'  => $signatures,
			'hash'        => bin2hex( $file_hash ),
			'skipped_key' => $skipped_key,
			'skipped_sig' => $skipped_signature,
			'php'         => PHP_VERSION,
			'sodium'      => defined( 'SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION' ) ? SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION : ( defined( 'ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::VERSION_STRING' ) ? ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::VERSION_STRING : false ),

 * Retrieves the list of signing keys trusted by WordPress.
 * @since 5.2.0
 * @return string[] Array of base64-encoded signing keys.
function wp_trusted_keys() {
	$trusted_keys = array();

	if ( time() < 1617235200 ) {
		// Key #1 - This key is only valid before April 1st, 2021.
		$trusted_keys[] = 'fRPyrxb/MvVLbdsYi+OOEv4xc+Eqpsj+kkAS6gNOkI0=';

	// TODO: Add key #2 with longer expiration.

	 * Filters the valid signing keys used to verify the contents of files.
	 * @since 5.2.0
	 * @param string[] $trusted_keys The trusted keys that may sign packages.
	return apply_filters( 'wp_trusted_keys', $trusted_keys );

 * Determines whether the given file is a valid ZIP file.
 * This function does not test to ensure that a file exists. Non-existent files
 * are not valid ZIPs, so those will also return false.
 * @since 6.4.4
 * @param string $file Full path to the ZIP file.
 * @return bool Whether the file is a valid ZIP file.
function wp_zip_file_is_valid( $file ) {
	/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/file.php */
	if ( class_exists( 'ZipArchive', false ) && apply_filters( 'unzip_file_use_ziparchive', true ) ) {
		$archive          = new ZipArchive();
		$archive_is_valid = $archive->open( $file, ZipArchive::CHECKCONS );
		if ( true === $archive_is_valid ) {
			return true;

	// Fall through to PclZip if ZipArchive is not available, or encountered an error opening the file.
	require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php';

	$archive          = new PclZip( $file );
	$archive_is_valid = is_array( $archive->properties() );

	return $archive_is_valid;

 * Unzips a specified ZIP file to a location on the filesystem via the WordPress
 * Filesystem Abstraction.
 * Assumes that WP_Filesystem() has already been called and set up. Does not extract
 * a root-level __MACOSX directory, if present.
 * Attempts to increase the PHP memory limit to 256M before uncompressing. However,
 * the most memory required shouldn't be much larger than the archive itself.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param string $file Full path and filename of ZIP archive.
 * @param string $to   Full path on the filesystem to extract archive to.
 * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure.
function unzip_file( $file, $to ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;

	if ( ! $wp_filesystem || ! is_object( $wp_filesystem ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'fs_unavailable', __( 'Could not access filesystem.' ) );

	// Unzip can use a lot of memory, but not this much hopefully.
	wp_raise_memory_limit( 'admin' );

	$needed_dirs = array();
	$to          = trailingslashit( $to );

	// Determine any parent directories needed (of the upgrade directory).
	if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $to ) ) { // Only do parents if no children exist.
		$path = preg_split( '![/\\\]!', untrailingslashit( $to ) );
		for ( $i = count( $path ); $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
			if ( empty( $path[ $i ] ) ) {

			$dir = implode( '/', array_slice( $path, 0, $i + 1 ) );
			if ( preg_match( '!^[a-z]:$!i', $dir ) ) { // Skip it if it looks like a Windows Drive letter.

			if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $dir ) ) {
				$needed_dirs[] = $dir;
			} else {
				break; // A folder exists, therefore we don't need to check the levels below this.

	 * Filters whether to use ZipArchive to unzip archives.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @param bool $ziparchive Whether to use ZipArchive. Default true.
	if ( class_exists( 'ZipArchive', false ) && apply_filters( 'unzip_file_use_ziparchive', true ) ) {
		$result = _unzip_file_ziparchive( $file, $to, $needed_dirs );
		if ( true === $result ) {
			return $result;
		} elseif ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
			if ( 'incompatible_archive' !== $result->get_error_code() ) {
				return $result;
	// Fall through to PclZip if ZipArchive is not available, or encountered an error opening the file.
	return _unzip_file_pclzip( $file, $to, $needed_dirs );

 * Attempts to unzip an archive using the ZipArchive class.
 * This function should not be called directly, use `unzip_file()` instead.
 * Assumes that WP_Filesystem() has already been called and set up.
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @access private
 * @see unzip_file()
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param string   $file        Full path and filename of ZIP archive.
 * @param string   $to          Full path on the filesystem to extract archive to.
 * @param string[] $needed_dirs A partial list of required folders needed to be created.
 * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure.
function _unzip_file_ziparchive( $file, $to, $needed_dirs = array() ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;

	$z = new ZipArchive();

	$zopen = $z->open( $file, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS );

	if ( true !== $zopen ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive', __( 'Incompatible Archive.' ), array( 'ziparchive_error' => $zopen ) );

	$uncompressed_size = 0;

	for ( $i = 0; $i < $z->numFiles; $i++ ) {
		$info = $z->statIndex( $i );

		if ( ! $info ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'stat_failed_ziparchive', __( 'Could not retrieve file from archive.' ) );

		if ( str_starts_with( $info['name'], '__MACOSX/' ) ) { // Skip the OS X-created __MACOSX directory.

		// Don't extract invalid files:
		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $info['name'] ) ) {

		$uncompressed_size += $info['size'];

		$dirname = dirname( $info['name'] );

		if ( str_ends_with( $info['name'], '/' ) ) {
			// Directory.
			$needed_dirs[] = $to . untrailingslashit( $info['name'] );
		} elseif ( '.' !== $dirname ) {
			// Path to a file.
			$needed_dirs[] = $to . untrailingslashit( $dirname );

	// Enough space to unzip the file and copy its contents, with a 10% buffer.
	$required_space = $uncompressed_size * 2.1;

	 * disk_free_space() could return false. Assume that any falsey value is an error.
	 * A disk that has zero free bytes has bigger problems.
	 * Require we have enough space to unzip the file and copy its contents, with a 10% buffer.
	if ( wp_doing_cron() ) {
		$available_space = function_exists( 'disk_free_space' ) ? @disk_free_space( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) : false;

		if ( $available_space && ( $required_space > $available_space ) ) {
			return new WP_Error(
				__( 'Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space.' ),
				compact( 'uncompressed_size', 'available_space' )

	$needed_dirs = array_unique( $needed_dirs );

	foreach ( $needed_dirs as $dir ) {
		// Check the parent folders of the folders all exist within the creation array.
		if ( untrailingslashit( $to ) === $dir ) { // Skip over the working directory, we know this exists (or will exist).

		if ( ! str_contains( $dir, $to ) ) { // If the directory is not within the working directory, skip it.

		$parent_folder = dirname( $dir );

		while ( ! empty( $parent_folder )
			&& untrailingslashit( $to ) !== $parent_folder
			&& ! in_array( $parent_folder, $needed_dirs, true )
		) {
			$needed_dirs[] = $parent_folder;
			$parent_folder = dirname( $parent_folder );

	asort( $needed_dirs );

	// Create those directories if need be:
	foreach ( $needed_dirs as $_dir ) {
		// Only check to see if the Dir exists upon creation failure. Less I/O this way.
		if ( ! $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $_dir, FS_CHMOD_DIR ) && ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $_dir ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'mkdir_failed_ziparchive', __( 'Could not create directory.' ), $_dir );

	 * Filters archive unzipping to override with a custom process.
	 * @since 6.4.0
	 * @param null|true|WP_Error $result         The result of the override. True on success, otherwise WP Error. Default null.
	 * @param string             $file           Full path and filename of ZIP archive.
	 * @param string             $to             Full path on the filesystem to extract archive to.
	 * @param string[]           $needed_dirs    A full list of required folders that need to be created.
	 * @param float              $required_space The space required to unzip the file and copy its contents, with a 10% buffer.
	$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_unzip_file', null, $file, $to, $needed_dirs, $required_space );

	if ( null !== $pre ) {
		// Ensure the ZIP file archive has been closed.

		return $pre;

	for ( $i = 0; $i < $z->numFiles; $i++ ) {
		$info = $z->statIndex( $i );

		if ( ! $info ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'stat_failed_ziparchive', __( 'Could not retrieve file from archive.' ) );

		if ( str_ends_with( $info['name'], '/' ) ) { // Directory.

		if ( str_starts_with( $info['name'], '__MACOSX/' ) ) { // Don't extract the OS X-created __MACOSX directory files.

		// Don't extract invalid files:
		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $info['name'] ) ) {

		$contents = $z->getFromIndex( $i );

		if ( false === $contents ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'extract_failed_ziparchive', __( 'Could not extract file from archive.' ), $info['name'] );

		if ( ! $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $to . $info['name'], $contents, FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'copy_failed_ziparchive', __( 'Could not copy file.' ), $info['name'] );


	 * Filters the result of unzipping an archive.
	 * @since 6.4.0
	 * @param true|WP_Error $result         The result of unzipping the archive. True on success, otherwise WP_Error. Default true.
	 * @param string        $file           Full path and filename of ZIP archive.
	 * @param string        $to             Full path on the filesystem the archive was extracted to.
	 * @param string[]      $needed_dirs    A full list of required folders that were created.
	 * @param float         $required_space The space required to unzip the file and copy its contents, with a 10% buffer.
	$result = apply_filters( 'unzip_file', true, $file, $to, $needed_dirs, $required_space );

	unset( $needed_dirs );

	return $result;

 * Attempts to unzip an archive using the PclZip library.
 * This function should not be called directly, use `unzip_file()` instead.
 * Assumes that WP_Filesystem() has already been called and set up.
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @access private
 * @see unzip_file()
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param string   $file        Full path and filename of ZIP archive.
 * @param string   $to          Full path on the filesystem to extract archive to.
 * @param string[] $needed_dirs A partial list of required folders needed to be created.
 * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure.
function _unzip_file_pclzip( $file, $to, $needed_dirs = array() ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;


	require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php';

	$archive = new PclZip( $file );

	$archive_files = $archive->extract( PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING );


	// Is the archive valid?
	if ( ! is_array( $archive_files ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive', __( 'Incompatible Archive.' ), $archive->errorInfo( true ) );

	if ( 0 === count( $archive_files ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'empty_archive_pclzip', __( 'Empty archive.' ) );

	$uncompressed_size = 0;

	// Determine any children directories needed (From within the archive).
	foreach ( $archive_files as $file ) {
		if ( str_starts_with( $file['filename'], '__MACOSX/' ) ) { // Skip the OS X-created __MACOSX directory.

		$uncompressed_size += $file['size'];

		$needed_dirs[] = $to . untrailingslashit( $file['folder'] ? $file['filename'] : dirname( $file['filename'] ) );

	// Enough space to unzip the file and copy its contents, with a 10% buffer.
	$required_space = $uncompressed_size * 2.1;

	 * disk_free_space() could return false. Assume that any falsey value is an error.
	 * A disk that has zero free bytes has bigger problems.
	 * Require we have enough space to unzip the file and copy its contents, with a 10% buffer.
	if ( wp_doing_cron() ) {
		$available_space = function_exists( 'disk_free_space' ) ? @disk_free_space( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) : false;

		if ( $available_space && ( $required_space > $available_space ) ) {
			return new WP_Error(
				__( 'Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space.' ),
				compact( 'uncompressed_size', 'available_space' )

	$needed_dirs = array_unique( $needed_dirs );

	foreach ( $needed_dirs as $dir ) {
		// Check the parent folders of the folders all exist within the creation array.
		if ( untrailingslashit( $to ) === $dir ) { // Skip over the working directory, we know this exists (or will exist).

		if ( ! str_contains( $dir, $to ) ) { // If the directory is not within the working directory, skip it.

		$parent_folder = dirname( $dir );

		while ( ! empty( $parent_folder )
			&& untrailingslashit( $to ) !== $parent_folder
			&& ! in_array( $parent_folder, $needed_dirs, true )
		) {
			$needed_dirs[] = $parent_folder;
			$parent_folder = dirname( $parent_folder );

	asort( $needed_dirs );

	// Create those directories if need be:
	foreach ( $needed_dirs as $_dir ) {
		// Only check to see if the dir exists upon creation failure. Less I/O this way.
		if ( ! $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $_dir, FS_CHMOD_DIR ) && ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $_dir ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'mkdir_failed_pclzip', __( 'Could not create directory.' ), $_dir );

	/** This filter is documented in src/wp-admin/includes/file.php */
	$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_unzip_file', null, $file, $to, $needed_dirs, $required_space );

	if ( null !== $pre ) {
		return $pre;

	// Extract the files from the zip.
	foreach ( $archive_files as $file ) {
		if ( $file['folder'] ) {

		if ( str_starts_with( $file['filename'], '__MACOSX/' ) ) { // Don't extract the OS X-created __MACOSX directory files.

		// Don't extract invalid files:
		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $file['filename'] ) ) {

		if ( ! $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $to . $file['filename'], $file['content'], FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'copy_failed_pclzip', __( 'Could not copy file.' ), $file['filename'] );

	/** This action is documented in src/wp-admin/includes/file.php */
	$result = apply_filters( 'unzip_file', true, $file, $to, $needed_dirs, $required_space );

	unset( $needed_dirs );

	return $result;

 * Copies a directory from one location to another via the WordPress Filesystem
 * Abstraction.
 * Assumes that WP_Filesystem() has already been called and setup.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param string   $from      Source directory.
 * @param string   $to        Destination directory.
 * @param string[] $skip_list An array of files/folders to skip copying.
 * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure.
function copy_dir( $from, $to, $skip_list = array() ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;

	$dirlist = $wp_filesystem->dirlist( $from );

	if ( false === $dirlist ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'dirlist_failed_copy_dir', __( 'Directory listing failed.' ), basename( $from ) );

	$from = trailingslashit( $from );
	$to   = trailingslashit( $to );

	if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $to ) && ! $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $to ) ) {
		return new WP_Error(
			__( 'Could not create the destination directory.' ),
			basename( $to )

	foreach ( (array) $dirlist as $filename => $fileinfo ) {
		if ( in_array( $filename, $skip_list, true ) ) {

		if ( 'f' === $fileinfo['type'] ) {
			if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $from . $filename, $to . $filename, true, FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) {
				// If copy failed, chmod file to 0644 and try again.
				$wp_filesystem->chmod( $to . $filename, FS_CHMOD_FILE );

				if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $from . $filename, $to . $filename, true, FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) {
					return new WP_Error( 'copy_failed_copy_dir', __( 'Could not copy file.' ), $to . $filename );

			wp_opcache_invalidate( $to . $filename );
		} elseif ( 'd' === $fileinfo['type'] ) {
			if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $to . $filename ) ) {
				if ( ! $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $to . $filename, FS_CHMOD_DIR ) ) {
					return new WP_Error( 'mkdir_failed_copy_dir', __( 'Could not create directory.' ), $to . $filename );

			// Generate the $sub_skip_list for the subdirectory as a sub-set of the existing $skip_list.
			$sub_skip_list = array();

			foreach ( $skip_list as $skip_item ) {
				if ( str_starts_with( $skip_item, $filename . '/' ) ) {
					$sub_skip_list[] = preg_replace( '!^' . preg_quote( $filename, '!' ) . '/!i', '', $skip_item );

			$result = copy_dir( $from . $filename, $to . $filename, $sub_skip_list );

			if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
				return $result;

	return true;

 * Moves a directory from one location to another.
 * Recursively invalidates OPcache on success.
 * If the renaming failed, falls back to copy_dir().
 * Assumes that WP_Filesystem() has already been called and setup.
 * This function is not designed to merge directories, copy_dir() should be used instead.
 * @since 6.2.0
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param string $from      Source directory.
 * @param string $to        Destination directory.
 * @param bool   $overwrite Optional. Whether to overwrite the destination directory if it exists.
 *                          Default false.
 * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure.
function move_dir( $from, $to, $overwrite = false ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;

	if ( trailingslashit( strtolower( $from ) ) === trailingslashit( strtolower( $to ) ) ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'source_destination_same_move_dir', __( 'The source and destination are the same.' ) );

	if ( $wp_filesystem->exists( $to ) ) {
		if ( ! $overwrite ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'destination_already_exists_move_dir', __( 'The destination folder already exists.' ), $to );
		} elseif ( ! $wp_filesystem->delete( $to, true ) ) {
			// Can't overwrite if the destination couldn't be deleted.
			return new WP_Error( 'destination_not_deleted_move_dir', __( 'The destination directory already exists and could not be removed.' ) );

	if ( $wp_filesystem->move( $from, $to ) ) {
		 * When using an environment with shared folders,
		 * there is a delay in updating the filesystem's cache.
		 * This is a known issue in environments with a VirtualBox provider.
		 * A 200ms delay gives time for the filesystem to update its cache,
		 * prevents "Operation not permitted", and "No such file or directory" warnings.
		 * This delay is used in other projects, including Composer.
		 * @link
		usleep( 200000 );
		wp_opcache_invalidate_directory( $to );

		return true;

	// Fall back to a recursive copy.
	if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $to ) ) {
		if ( ! $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $to, FS_CHMOD_DIR ) ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'mkdir_failed_move_dir', __( 'Could not create directory.' ), $to );

	$result = copy_dir( $from, $to, array( basename( $to ) ) );

	// Clear the source directory.
	if ( true === $result ) {
		$wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );

	return $result;

 * Initializes and connects the WordPress Filesystem Abstraction classes.
 * This function will include the chosen transport and attempt connecting.
 * Plugins may add extra transports, And force WordPress to use them by returning
 * the filename via the {@see 'filesystem_method_file'} filter.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param array|false  $args                         Optional. Connection args, These are passed
 *                                                   directly to the `WP_Filesystem_*()` classes.
 *                                                   Default false.
 * @param string|false $context                      Optional. Context for get_filesystem_method().
 *                                                   Default false.
 * @param bool         $allow_relaxed_file_ownership Optional. Whether to allow Group/World writable.
 *                                                   Default false.
 * @return bool|null True on success, false on failure,
 *                   null if the filesystem method class file does not exist.
function WP_Filesystem( $args = false, $context = false, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership = false ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionNameInvalid
	global $wp_filesystem;

	require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php';

	$method = get_filesystem_method( $args, $context, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership );

	if ( ! $method ) {
		return false;

	if ( ! class_exists( "WP_Filesystem_$method" ) ) {

		 * Filters the path for a specific filesystem method class file.
		 * @since 2.6.0
		 * @see get_filesystem_method()
		 * @param string $path   Path to the specific filesystem method class file.
		 * @param string $method The filesystem method to use.
		$abstraction_file = apply_filters( 'filesystem_method_file', ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-' . $method . '.php', $method );

		if ( ! file_exists( $abstraction_file ) ) {

		require_once $abstraction_file;
	$method = "WP_Filesystem_$method";

	$wp_filesystem = new $method( $args );

	 * Define the timeouts for the connections. Only available after the constructor is called
	 * to allow for per-transport overriding of the default.
	if ( ! defined( 'FS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT' ) ) {
		define( 'FS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT', 30 ); // 30 seconds.
	if ( ! defined( 'FS_TIMEOUT' ) ) {
		define( 'FS_TIMEOUT', 30 ); // 30 seconds.

	if ( is_wp_error( $wp_filesystem->errors ) && $wp_filesystem->errors->has_errors() ) {
		return false;

	if ( ! $wp_filesystem->connect() ) {
		return false; // There was an error connecting to the server.

	// Set the permission constants if not already set.
	if ( ! defined( 'FS_CHMOD_DIR' ) ) {
		define( 'FS_CHMOD_DIR', ( fileperms( ABSPATH ) & 0777 | 0755 ) );
	if ( ! defined( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE' ) ) {
		define( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE', ( fileperms( ABSPATH . 'index.php' ) & 0777 | 0644 ) );

	return true;

 * Determines which method to use for reading, writing, modifying, or deleting
 * files on the filesystem.
 * The priority of the transports are: Direct, SSH2, FTP PHP Extension, FTP Sockets
 * (Via Sockets class, or `fsockopen()`). Valid values for these are: 'direct', 'ssh2',
 * 'ftpext' or 'ftpsockets'.
 * The return value can be overridden by defining the `FS_METHOD` constant in `wp-config.php`,
 * or filtering via {@see 'filesystem_method'}.
 * @link
 * Plugins may define a custom transport handler, See WP_Filesystem().
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @global callable $_wp_filesystem_direct_method
 * @param array  $args                         Optional. Connection details. Default empty array.
 * @param string $context                      Optional. Full path to the directory that is tested
 *                                             for being writable. Default empty.
 * @param bool   $allow_relaxed_file_ownership Optional. Whether to allow Group/World writable.
 *                                             Default false.
 * @return string The transport to use, see description for valid return values.
function get_filesystem_method( $args = array(), $context = '', $allow_relaxed_file_ownership = false ) {
	// Please ensure that this is either 'direct', 'ssh2', 'ftpext', or 'ftpsockets'.
	$method = defined( 'FS_METHOD' ) ? FS_METHOD : false;

	if ( ! $context ) {
		$context = WP_CONTENT_DIR;

	// If the directory doesn't exist (wp-content/languages) then use the parent directory as we'll create it.
	if ( WP_LANG_DIR === $context && ! is_dir( $context ) ) {
		$context = dirname( $context );

	$context = trailingslashit( $context );

	if ( ! $method ) {

		$temp_file_name = $context . 'temp-write-test-' . str_replace( '.', '-', uniqid( '', true ) );
		$temp_handle    = @fopen( $temp_file_name, 'w' );
		if ( $temp_handle ) {

			// Attempt to determine the file owner of the WordPress files, and that of newly created files.
			$wp_file_owner   = false;
			$temp_file_owner = false;
			if ( function_exists( 'fileowner' ) ) {
				$wp_file_owner   = @fileowner( __FILE__ );
				$temp_file_owner = @fileowner( $temp_file_name );

			if ( false !== $wp_file_owner && $wp_file_owner === $temp_file_owner ) {
				 * WordPress is creating files as the same owner as the WordPress files,
				 * this means it's safe to modify & create new files via PHP.
				$method                                  = 'direct';
				$GLOBALS['_wp_filesystem_direct_method'] = 'file_owner';
			} elseif ( $allow_relaxed_file_ownership ) {
				 * The $context directory is writable, and $allow_relaxed_file_ownership is set,
				 * this means we can modify files safely in this directory.
				 * This mode doesn't create new files, only alter existing ones.
				$method                                  = 'direct';
				$GLOBALS['_wp_filesystem_direct_method'] = 'relaxed_ownership';

			fclose( $temp_handle );
			@unlink( $temp_file_name );

	if ( ! $method && isset( $args['connection_type'] ) && 'ssh' === $args['connection_type'] && extension_loaded( 'ssh2' ) ) {
		$method = 'ssh2';
	if ( ! $method && extension_loaded( 'ftp' ) ) {
		$method = 'ftpext';
	if ( ! $method && ( extension_loaded( 'sockets' ) || function_exists( 'fsockopen' ) ) ) {
		$method = 'ftpsockets'; // Sockets: Socket extension; PHP Mode: FSockopen / fwrite / fread.

	 * Filters the filesystem method to use.
	 * @since 2.6.0
	 * @param string $method                       Filesystem method to return.
	 * @param array  $args                         An array of connection details for the method.
	 * @param string $context                      Full path to the directory that is tested for being writable.
	 * @param bool   $allow_relaxed_file_ownership Whether to allow Group/World writable.
	return apply_filters( 'filesystem_method', $method, $args, $context, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership );

 * Displays a form to the user to request for their FTP/SSH details in order
 * to connect to the filesystem.
 * All chosen/entered details are saved, excluding the password.
 * Hostnames may be in the form of hostname:portnumber (eg:
 * to specify an alternate FTP/SSH port.
 * Plugins may override this form by returning true|false via the {@see 'request_filesystem_credentials'} filter.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @since 4.6.0 The `$context` parameter default changed from `false` to an empty string.
 * @global string $pagenow The filename of the current screen.
 * @param string        $form_post                    The URL to post the form to.
 * @param string        $type                         Optional. Chosen type of filesystem. Default empty.
 * @param bool|WP_Error $error                        Optional. Whether the current request has failed
 *                                                    to connect, or an error object. Default false.
 * @param string        $context                      Optional. Full path to the directory that is tested
 *                                                    for being writable. Default empty.
 * @param array         $extra_fields                 Optional. Extra `POST` fields to be checked
 *                                                    for inclusion in the post. Default null.
 * @param bool          $allow_relaxed_file_ownership Optional. Whether to allow Group/World writable.
 *                                                    Default false.
 * @return bool|array True if no filesystem credentials are required,
 *                    false if they are required but have not been provided,
 *                    array of credentials if they are required and have been provided.
function request_filesystem_credentials( $form_post, $type = '', $error = false, $context = '', $extra_fields = null, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership = false ) {
	global $pagenow;

	 * Filters the filesystem credentials.
	 * Returning anything other than an empty string will effectively short-circuit
	 * output of the filesystem credentials form, returning that value instead.
	 * A filter should return true if no filesystem credentials are required, false if they are required but have not been
	 * provided, or an array of credentials if they are required and have been provided.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @since 4.6.0 The `$context` parameter default changed from `false` to an empty string.
	 * @param mixed         $credentials                  Credentials to return instead. Default empty string.
	 * @param string        $form_post                    The URL to post the form to.
	 * @param string        $type                         Chosen type of filesystem.
	 * @param bool|WP_Error $error                        Whether the current request has failed to connect,
	 *                                                    or an error object.
	 * @param string        $context                      Full path to the directory that is tested for
	 *                                                    being writable.
	 * @param array         $extra_fields                 Extra POST fields.
	 * @param bool          $allow_relaxed_file_ownership Whether to allow Group/World writable.
	$req_cred = apply_filters( 'request_filesystem_credentials', '', $form_post, $type, $error, $context, $extra_fields, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership );

	if ( '' !== $req_cred ) {
		return $req_cred;

	if ( empty( $type ) ) {
		$type = get_filesystem_method( array(), $context, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership );

	if ( 'direct' === $type ) {
		return true;

	if ( is_null( $extra_fields ) ) {
		$extra_fields = array( 'version', 'locale' );

	$credentials = get_option(
			'hostname' => '',
			'username' => '',

	$submitted_form = wp_unslash( $_POST );

	// Verify nonce, or unset submitted form field values on failure.
	if ( ! isset( $_POST['_fs_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_fs_nonce'], 'filesystem-credentials' ) ) {

	$ftp_constants = array(
		'hostname'    => 'FTP_HOST',
		'username'    => 'FTP_USER',
		'password'    => 'FTP_PASS',
		'public_key'  => 'FTP_PUBKEY',
		'private_key' => 'FTP_PRIKEY',

	 * If defined, set it to that. Else, if POST'd, set it to that. If not, set it to an empty string.
	 * Otherwise, keep it as it previously was (saved details in option).
	foreach ( $ftp_constants as $key => $constant ) {
		if ( defined( $constant ) ) {
			$credentials[ $key ] = constant( $constant );
		} elseif ( ! empty( $submitted_form[ $key ] ) ) {
			$credentials[ $key ] = $submitted_form[ $key ];
		} elseif ( ! isset( $credentials[ $key ] ) ) {
			$credentials[ $key ] = '';

	// Sanitize the hostname, some people might pass in odd data.
	$credentials['hostname'] = preg_replace( '|\w+://|', '', $credentials['hostname'] ); // Strip any schemes off.

	if ( strpos( $credentials['hostname'], ':' ) ) {
		list( $credentials['hostname'], $credentials['port'] ) = explode( ':', $credentials['hostname'], 2 );
		if ( ! is_numeric( $credentials['port'] ) ) {
			unset( $credentials['port'] );
	} else {
		unset( $credentials['port'] );

	if ( ( defined( 'FTP_SSH' ) && FTP_SSH ) || ( defined( 'FS_METHOD' ) && 'ssh2' === FS_METHOD ) ) {
		$credentials['connection_type'] = 'ssh';
	} elseif ( ( defined( 'FTP_SSL' ) && FTP_SSL ) && 'ftpext' === $type ) { // Only the FTP Extension understands SSL.
		$credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftps';
	} elseif ( ! empty( $submitted_form['connection_type'] ) ) {
		$credentials['connection_type'] = $submitted_form['connection_type'];
	} elseif ( ! isset( $credentials['connection_type'] ) ) { // All else fails (and it's not defaulted to something else saved), default to FTP.
		$credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftp';

	if ( ! $error
		&& ( ! empty( $credentials['hostname'] ) && ! empty( $credentials['username'] ) && ! empty( $credentials['password'] )
			|| 'ssh' === $credentials['connection_type'] && ! empty( $credentials['public_key'] ) && ! empty( $credentials['private_key'] )
	) {
		$stored_credentials = $credentials;

		if ( ! empty( $stored_credentials['port'] ) ) { // Save port as part of hostname to simplify above code.
			$stored_credentials['hostname'] .= ':' . $stored_credentials['port'];


		if ( ! wp_installing() ) {
			update_option( 'ftp_credentials', $stored_credentials );

		return $credentials;

	$hostname        = isset( $credentials['hostname'] ) ? $credentials['hostname'] : '';
	$username        = isset( $credentials['username'] ) ? $credentials['username'] : '';
	$public_key      = isset( $credentials['public_key'] ) ? $credentials['public_key'] : '';
	$private_key     = isset( $credentials['private_key'] ) ? $credentials['private_key'] : '';
	$port            = isset( $credentials['port'] ) ? $credentials['port'] : '';
	$connection_type = isset( $credentials['connection_type'] ) ? $credentials['connection_type'] : '';

	if ( $error ) {
		$error_string = __( '<strong>Error:</strong> Could not connect to the server. Please verify the settings are correct.' );
		if ( is_wp_error( $error ) ) {
			$error_string = esc_html( $error->get_error_message() );
				'id'                 => 'message',
				'additional_classes' => array( 'error' ),

	$types = array();
	if ( extension_loaded( 'ftp' ) || extension_loaded( 'sockets' ) || function_exists( 'fsockopen' ) ) {
		$types['ftp'] = __( 'FTP' );
	if ( extension_loaded( 'ftp' ) ) { // Only this supports FTPS.
		$types['ftps'] = __( 'FTPS (SSL)' );
	if ( extension_loaded( 'ssh2' ) ) {
		$types['ssh'] = __( 'SSH2' );

	 * Filters the connection types to output to the filesystem credentials form.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @since 4.6.0 The `$context` parameter default changed from `false` to an empty string.
	 * @param string[]      $types       Types of connections.
	 * @param array         $credentials Credentials to connect with.
	 * @param string        $type        Chosen filesystem method.
	 * @param bool|WP_Error $error       Whether the current request has failed to connect,
	 *                                   or an error object.
	 * @param string        $context     Full path to the directory that is tested for being writable.
	$types = apply_filters( 'fs_ftp_connection_types', $types, $credentials, $type, $error, $context );
<form action="<?php echo esc_url( $form_post ); ?>" method="post">
<div id="request-filesystem-credentials-form" class="request-filesystem-credentials-form">
	// Print a H1 heading in the FTP credentials modal dialog, default is a H2.
	$heading_tag = 'h2';
	if ( 'plugins.php' === $pagenow || 'plugin-install.php' === $pagenow ) {
		$heading_tag = 'h1';
	echo "<$heading_tag id='request-filesystem-credentials-title'>" . __( 'Connection Information' ) . "</$heading_tag>";
<p id="request-filesystem-credentials-desc">
	$label_user = __( 'Username' );
	$label_pass = __( 'Password' );
	_e( 'To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server.' );
	echo ' ';
	if ( ( isset( $types['ftp'] ) || isset( $types['ftps'] ) ) ) {
		if ( isset( $types['ssh'] ) ) {
			_e( 'Please enter your FTP or SSH credentials to proceed.' );
			$label_user = __( 'FTP/SSH Username' );
			$label_pass = __( 'FTP/SSH Password' );
		} else {
			_e( 'Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed.' );
			$label_user = __( 'FTP Username' );
			$label_pass = __( 'FTP Password' );
		echo ' ';
	_e( 'If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.' );

	$hostname_value = esc_attr( $hostname );
	if ( ! empty( $port ) ) {
		$hostname_value .= ":$port";

	$password_value = '';
	if ( defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ) {
		$password_value = '*****';
<label for="hostname">
	<span class="field-title"><?php _e( 'Hostname' ); ?></span>
	<input name="hostname" type="text" id="hostname" aria-describedby="request-filesystem-credentials-desc" class="code" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'example:' ); ?>" value="<?php echo $hostname_value; ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_HOST' ) ); ?> />
<div class="ftp-username">
	<label for="username">
		<span class="field-title"><?php echo $label_user; ?></span>
		<input name="username" type="text" id="username" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $username ); ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_USER' ) ); ?> />
<div class="ftp-password">
	<label for="password">
		<span class="field-title"><?php echo $label_pass; ?></span>
		<input name="password" type="password" id="password" value="<?php echo $password_value; ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ); ?> spellcheck="false" />
		if ( ! defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ) {
			_e( 'This password will not be stored on the server.' );
<legend><?php _e( 'Connection Type' ); ?></legend>
	$disabled = disabled( ( defined( 'FTP_SSL' ) && FTP_SSL ) || ( defined( 'FTP_SSH' ) && FTP_SSH ), true, false );
	foreach ( $types as $name => $text ) :
	<label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>">
		<input type="radio" name="connection_type" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" <?php checked( $name, $connection_type ); ?> <?php echo $disabled; ?> />
		<?php echo $text; ?>
	if ( isset( $types['ssh'] ) ) {
		$hidden_class = '';
		if ( 'ssh' !== $connection_type || empty( $connection_type ) ) {
			$hidden_class = ' class="hidden"';
<fieldset id="ssh-keys"<?php echo $hidden_class; ?>>
<legend><?php _e( 'Authentication Keys' ); ?></legend>
<label for="public_key">
	<span class="field-title"><?php _e( 'Public Key:' ); ?></span>
	<input name="public_key" type="text" id="public_key" aria-describedby="auth-keys-desc" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $public_key ); ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_PUBKEY' ) ); ?> />
<label for="private_key">
	<span class="field-title"><?php _e( 'Private Key:' ); ?></span>
	<input name="private_key" type="text" id="private_key" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $private_key ); ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_PRIKEY' ) ); ?> />
<p id="auth-keys-desc"><?php _e( 'Enter the location on the server where the public and private keys are located. If a passphrase is needed, enter that in the password field above.' ); ?></p>

	foreach ( (array) $extra_fields as $field ) {
		if ( isset( $submitted_form[ $field ] ) ) {
			echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr( $field ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( $submitted_form[ $field ] ) . '" />';

	 * Make sure the `submit_button()` function is available during the REST API call
	 * from WP_Site_Health_Auto_Updates::test_check_wp_filesystem_method().
	if ( ! function_exists( 'submit_button' ) ) {
		require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/template.php';
	<p class="request-filesystem-credentials-action-buttons">
		<?php wp_nonce_field( 'filesystem-credentials', '_fs_nonce', false, true ); ?>
		<button class="button cancel-button" data-js-action="close" type="button"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></button>
		<?php submit_button( __( 'Proceed' ), 'primary', 'upgrade', false ); ?>
	return false;

 * Prints the filesystem credentials modal when needed.
 * @since 4.2.0
function wp_print_request_filesystem_credentials_modal() {
	$filesystem_method = get_filesystem_method();

	$filesystem_credentials_are_stored = request_filesystem_credentials( self_admin_url() );

	$request_filesystem_credentials = ( 'direct' !== $filesystem_method && ! $filesystem_credentials_are_stored );
	if ( ! $request_filesystem_credentials ) {
	<div id="request-filesystem-credentials-dialog" class="notification-dialog-wrap request-filesystem-credentials-dialog">
		<div class="notification-dialog-background"></div>
		<div class="notification-dialog" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="request-filesystem-credentials-title" tabindex="0">
			<div class="request-filesystem-credentials-dialog-content">
				<?php request_filesystem_credentials( site_url() ); ?>

 * Attempts to clear the opcode cache for an individual PHP file.
 * This function can be called safely without having to check the file extension
 * or availability of the OPcache extension.
 * Whether or not invalidation is possible is cached to improve performance.
 * @since 5.5.0
 * @link
 * @param string $filepath Path to the file, including extension, for which the opcode cache is to be cleared.
 * @param bool   $force    Invalidate even if the modification time is not newer than the file in cache.
 *                         Default false.
 * @return bool True if opcache was invalidated for `$filepath`, or there was nothing to invalidate.
 *              False if opcache invalidation is not available, or is disabled via filter.
function wp_opcache_invalidate( $filepath, $force = false ) {
	static $can_invalidate = null;

	 * Check to see if WordPress is able to run `opcache_invalidate()` or not, and cache the value.
	 * First, check to see if the function is available to call, then if the host has restricted
	 * the ability to run the function to avoid a PHP warning.
	 * `opcache.restrict_api` can specify the path for files allowed to call `opcache_invalidate()`.
	 * If the host has this set, check whether the path in `opcache.restrict_api` matches
	 * the beginning of the path of the origin file.
	 * `$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']` approximates the origin file's path, but `realpath()`
	 * is necessary because `SCRIPT_FILENAME` can be a relative path when run from CLI.
	 * For more details, see:
	 * -
	 * -
	 * -
	if ( null === $can_invalidate
		&& function_exists( 'opcache_invalidate' )
		&& ( ! ini_get( 'opcache.restrict_api' )
			|| stripos( realpath( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ), ini_get( 'opcache.restrict_api' ) ) === 0 )
	) {
		$can_invalidate = true;

	// If invalidation is not available, return early.
	if ( ! $can_invalidate ) {
		return false;

	// Verify that file to be invalidated has a PHP extension.
	if ( '.php' !== strtolower( substr( $filepath, -4 ) ) ) {
		return false;

	 * Filters whether to invalidate a file from the opcode cache.
	 * @since 5.5.0
	 * @param bool   $will_invalidate Whether WordPress will invalidate `$filepath`. Default true.
	 * @param string $filepath        The path to the PHP file to invalidate.
	if ( apply_filters( 'wp_opcache_invalidate_file', true, $filepath ) ) {
		return opcache_invalidate( $filepath, $force );

	return false;

 * Attempts to clear the opcode cache for a directory of files.
 * @since 6.2.0
 * @see wp_opcache_invalidate()
 * @link
 * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem WordPress filesystem subclass.
 * @param string $dir The path to the directory for which the opcode cache is to be cleared.
function wp_opcache_invalidate_directory( $dir ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;

	if ( ! is_string( $dir ) || '' === trim( $dir ) ) {
		if ( WP_DEBUG ) {
			$error_message = sprintf(
				/* translators: %s: The function name. */
				__( '%s expects a non-empty string.' ),
			wp_trigger_error( '', $error_message );

	$dirlist = $wp_filesystem->dirlist( $dir, false, true );

	if ( empty( $dirlist ) ) {

	 * Recursively invalidate opcache of files in a directory.
	 * WP_Filesystem_*::dirlist() returns an array of file and directory information.
	 * This does not include a path to the file or directory.
	 * To invalidate files within sub-directories, recursion is needed
	 * to prepend an absolute path containing the sub-directory's name.
	 * @param array  $dirlist Array of file/directory information from WP_Filesystem_Base::dirlist(),
	 *                        with sub-directories represented as nested arrays.
	 * @param string $path    Absolute path to the directory.
	$invalidate_directory = static function ( $dirlist, $path ) use ( &$invalidate_directory ) {
		$path = trailingslashit( $path );

		foreach ( $dirlist as $name => $details ) {
			if ( 'f' === $details['type'] ) {
				wp_opcache_invalidate( $path . $name, true );
			} elseif ( is_array( $details['files'] ) && ! empty( $details['files'] ) ) {
				$invalidate_directory( $details['files'], $path . $name );

	$invalidate_directory( $dirlist, $dir );
© 2025 GrazzMean-Shell
{"id":7779,"date":"2023-09-26T18:19:02","date_gmt":"2023-09-26T22:19:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/\/?p=7779"},"modified":"2023-09-27T08:29:53","modified_gmt":"2023-09-27T12:29:53","slug":"ai-powered-solutions-your-shield-against-saas-price-hikes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/\/ai-powered-solutions-your-shield-against-saas-price-hikes\/","title":{"rendered":"AI-Powered Solutions: Your Shield Against SaaS Price Hikes"},"content":{"rendered":"

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” admin_label=”Introduction” _builder_version=”4.16″ width_tablet=”” width_phone=”84%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” min_height=”1973.1px” custom_margin=”|||” custom_margin_tablet=”” custom_margin_phone=”|0px||0px|false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”29px|0px|4px|0px||” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row column_structure=”3_4,1_4″ use_custom_gutter=”on” gutter_width=”4″ custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” admin_label=”Intro & Content” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ min_height=”1883.1px” min_height_tablet=”” min_height_phone=”auto” min_height_last_edited=”on|phone” height_tablet=”” height_phone=”auto” height_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_margin_tablet=”” custom_margin_phone=”0px||-57px||false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”1px|0px|0px|||” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”0px||0px||false|false” animation_style=”fade” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”3_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” header_2_font=”||||||||” header_2_text_color=”#4c4c4c” header_2_font_size=”22px” width=”123.8%” min_height=”123.5px” custom_margin=”6px|-70px|45px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|desktop” custom_padding=”5px|0px|0px|||” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|desktop” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n


As businesses increasingly rely on Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for their operations, they are confronted with the inevitable reality of price increases. While these hikes can strain budgets and disrupt workflows, the emergence of AI-powered tools offers a glimmer of hope. In this article, we explore several innovative ways AI is helping organizations counter SaaS price increases.<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ _module_preset=”default” header_2_font=”||||||||” header_2_text_color=”#4c4c4c” header_2_font_size=”22px” width=”123.8%” custom_margin=”26px|-70px|||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|desktop” custom_padding=”5px|0px|9px|||” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|desktop” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]<\/p>\n

How We Can Help You Save<\/h2>\n

[\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider divider_weight=”2px” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ max_width=”60px” module_alignment=”left” height=”2px” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ text_font=”Poppins|300|||||||” text_text_color=”#0a0a0a” text_letter_spacing=”1px” text_line_height=”2em” max_width_tablet=”” max_width_phone=”” max_width_last_edited=”on|phone” min_height=”124px” custom_margin=”|-150px|6px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|-52px||0px|false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”|0px|0px||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” hover_enabled=”0″ inline_fonts=”Poppins,Alata,Aclonica” global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]<\/p>\n


Several notable SaaS (Software as a Service) products have experienced significant price hikes over the years: Salesforce, GitHub, Zoom, and Zendesk for example.<\/span><\/p>\n


  • \n
    • \n
      • We’ll build you your own and cut your software renewal fees.<\/li>\n
      • We analyze the software you use and how you use it<\/li>\n
      • We’ll write a proposal to cut out your vendors and replace it with software that you own.<\/li>\n
      • We can manage the hosting of your new software on public clouds such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure.<\/li>\n
      • Based on typical clients, your replacement software will cost about 1-2 years of what you currently pay, but then cost only 10-20% to maintain than what you were paying before.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

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        Benefits and Advantages<\/h2>\n

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        Using AI to replace costly SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions can offer several benefits and advantages for organizations. Here are some compelling reasons to consider this approach:<\/p>\n

        Cost Savings:<\/strong> One of the primary reasons to replace costly SaaS solutions with AI-driven alternatives is cost savings. AI can automate tasks and processes that might require expensive software subscriptions. By building or integrating AI solutions, organizations can reduce their software expenses significantly.<\/p>\n

        Customization:<\/strong> AI solutions can be tailored to the specific needs of an organization. Unlike off-the-shelf SaaS products, which offer predefined features and functionalities, AI can be trained and customized to perform tasks and provide insights that align precisely with the organization’s requirements.<\/p>\n

        Scalability:<\/strong> AI solutions can often scale more efficiently than SaaS subscriptions. As your organization grows, you can expand your AI infrastructure without incurring linear increases in costs, unlike SaaS, where additional users or features can lead to higher subscription fees.<\/p>\n

        Data Security:<\/strong> AI solutions can be developed with a strong focus on data security and privacy. Organizations can have more control over their data, reducing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access associated with third-party SaaS providers.<\/p>\n

        Integration:<\/strong> AI can seamlessly integrate with existing systems and workflows, allowing organizations to enhance their processes without disrupting their current operations. This integration can lead to increased efficiency and productivity.<\/p>\n

        Automation and Efficiency:<\/strong> AI can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic and value-added activities. This can result in increased efficiency and reduced labor costs.<\/p>\n

        Predictive Analytics:<\/strong> AI can provide valuable predictive insights that help organizations make data-driven decisions. This can be particularly beneficial in various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and marketing, where predictive analytics can lead to cost savings and revenue generation.<\/p>\n

        Long-term Cost Control:<\/strong> AI solutions typically involve upfront development costs but can provide long-term cost control as they do not rely on recurring subscription fees. This can be especially advantageous for organizations looking to manage their budgets over time.<\/p>\n

        Competitive Advantage:<\/strong> Organizations that successfully leverage AI to replace costly SaaS solutions may gain a competitive advantage. They can allocate resources strategically and invest in innovative solutions that differentiate them from competitors.<\/p>\n

        It’s important to note that while AI offers numerous advantages, its implementation can also come with challenges, including the need for skilled AI talent, data quality, and ethical considerations. The decision to replace SaaS with AI should be based on a thorough assessment of the organization’s specific needs, goals, and available resources.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

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        Smart SaaS Usage Optimization<\/h2>\n

        [\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider divider_weight=”2px” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ max_width=”60px” module_alignment=”left” height=”2px” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ text_font=”Poppins|300|||||||” text_text_color=”#0a0a0a” text_letter_spacing=”1px” text_line_height=”2em” max_width_tablet=”” max_width_phone=”” max_width_last_edited=”on|phone” min_height=”141px” custom_margin=”|-150px|1px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|-52px||0px|false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”|0px|17px||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” hover_enabled=”0″ inline_fonts=”Poppins,Alata,Aclonica” global_colors_info=”{}” sticky_enabled=”0″]<\/p>\n

        AI-driven tools for monitoring SaaS application usage and recommending cost-efficient alternatives or unused features are transforming how organizations manage their software expenses:<\/p>\n

        Usage Tracking: These tools continuously monitor how employees use SaaS applications, collecting data on feature utilization, frequency, and user engagement.<\/p>\n

        Recommendation Engine: AI algorithms analyze usage data and compare it to available features and pricing plans. They identify cost-efficient alternatives within the same SaaS ecosystem or suggest unused features that can replace or supplement existing subscriptions.<\/p>\n

        Examples of Companies Saving Money:<\/strong><\/p>\n

        Company A<\/span>: After implementing an AI-driven usage monitoring tool, Company A identified that a significant portion of their team rarely used advanced features in their CRM software. By downgrading to a more cost-effective plan tailored to their actual needs, they reduced annual expenses by 30%.<\/p>\n

        Company B<\/span>: This tech startup found that their cloud storage expenses were steadily increasing. AI analysis revealed that many users were storing duplicate files unnecessarily. The AI tool recommended deduplication and a smarter file management strategy, resulting in a 25% reduction in storage costs.<\/p>\n

        Company C<\/span>: Company C was using multiple project management tools across different teams, leading to fragmented workflows and increased expenses. AI-driven analysis suggested consolidating to a single, more feature-rich solution that reduced subscription costs by 40%.<\/p>\n

        These examples highlight how AI-powered tools can help organizations make data-driven decisions, optimize their SaaS subscriptions, and achieve significant cost savings while maintaining or even improving productivity.<\/p>\n

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        SaaS Vendor Comparison and Alternatives<\/span><\/h2>\n

        [\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider divider_weight=”2px” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ max_width=”60px” module_alignment=”left” height=”2px” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ text_font=”Poppins|300|||||||” text_text_color=”#0a0a0a” text_letter_spacing=”1px” text_line_height=”2em” max_width_tablet=”” max_width_phone=”” max_width_last_edited=”on|phone” min_height=”143px” custom_margin=”|-150px|35px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|-52px||0px|false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”|0px|0px||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” inline_fonts=”Poppins,Alata,Aclonica” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n

        AI-driven platforms that compare SaaS vendors play a crucial role in simplifying the software selection process for businesses. These platforms utilize artificial intelligence and data analytics to:<\/p>\n

        Pricing Comparison<\/span>: They collect pricing data from various SaaS providers and present it in a unified, easy-to-compare format, allowing businesses to identify cost-effective options.<\/p>\n

        Feature Analysis<\/span>: AI algorithms analyze the features offered by different vendors and generate side-by-side comparisons, helping organizations find solutions that align with their specific needs.<\/p>\n

        User Reviews<\/span>: These platforms aggregate user reviews and sentiment analysis to provide insights into the user experience, reliability, and support quality of SaaS products.<\/p>\n

        Recommendations<\/span>: AI-driven platforms often offer tailored recommendations based on a company’s requirements and budget constraints, facilitating informed decision-making.<\/p>\n

        How Businesses Can Use These Platforms:<\/strong><\/p>\n

        Comprehensive Research<\/span>: Companies can use these platforms to gain a comprehensive understanding of the SaaS landscape, ensuring they make informed choices.<\/p>\n

        Cost-Efficiency<\/span>: By comparing pricing structures and available features, organizations can identify SaaS vendors that offer the best value for their investment.<\/p>\n

        User Satisfaction<\/span>: Analyzing user reviews and sentiment can help businesses gauge user satisfaction and potential issues with a particular vendor’s software.<\/p>\n

        Customization<\/span>: Businesses can tailor their search criteria to find SaaS solutions that precisely match their unique requirements, reducing the risk of overpaying for unnecessary features.<\/p>\n

        Time Savings<\/span>: These platforms streamline the research process, saving businesses valuable time that can be allocated to other critical tasks.<\/p>\n

        In a crowded SaaS market, AI-driven comparison platforms empower businesses to make well-informed decisions that align with their budget and needs, ultimately leading to more cost-effective and efficient software adoption.<\/p>\n

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        Case Studies<\/h2>\n

        [\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider divider_weight=”2px” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ max_width=”60px” module_alignment=”left” height=”2px” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ text_font=”Poppins|300|||||||” text_text_color=”#0a0a0a” text_letter_spacing=”1px” text_line_height=”2em” max_width_tablet=”” max_width_phone=”” max_width_last_edited=”on|phone” min_height=”50px” custom_margin=”|-150px|44px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|-52px||0px|false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”|0px|0px||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” inline_fonts=”Poppins,Alata,Aclonica” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n

        Case Study 1: Tech Innovators Inc.<\/strong><\/p>\n

        Background:<\/em> Tech Innovators Inc. is a medium-sized technology company that heavily relies on SaaS applications for various aspects of their operations. They’ve noticed recurring price hikes across multiple software tools, which posed a significant challenge to their budget management.<\/p>\n

        AI Solution Implementation:<\/em> Tech Innovators Inc. decided to implement an AI-driven cost prediction and optimization platform. The AI algorithms analyzed historical pricing data, detected patterns in price increases, and predicted potential future hikes for each SaaS product they used.<\/p>\n


        Proactive Budget Adjustments: With AI-generated price increase predictions, the company proactively adjusted their budgets to accommodate expected hikes.<\/p>\n

        Negotiation Success: Armed with data-backed insights, Tech Innovators Inc. engaged in more informed negotiations with their SaaS providers. They managed to secure better pricing terms and, in some cases, lock in current rates for an extended period.<\/p>\n

        Optimized Subscriptions: The AI platform identified several underutilized features in existing subscriptions and recommended downgrades to lower-tier plans, saving the company 15% on their SaaS expenses.<\/p>\n

        Case Study 2: Retail Plus Ltd.<\/strong><\/p>\n

        Background:<\/em> Retail Plus Ltd. is a national retail chain with numerous locations. They use various SaaS applications for inventory management, sales tracking, and customer engagement. Rising SaaS costs were impacting their profitability.<\/p>\n

        AI Solution Implementation:<\/em> Retail Plus Ltd. adopted an AI-powered SaaS optimization tool that continuously monitored usage patterns across their stores. It recommended cost-effective alternatives and identified unused features within their existing subscriptions.<\/p>\n


        Cost Reduction: The AI tool helped Retail Plus Ltd. identify duplicate SaaS subscriptions across different store locations. By consolidating these subscriptions and renegotiating with providers, they reduced SaaS expenses by 20%.<\/p>\n

        Improved Efficiency: By pinpointing underutilized features, the company optimized their workflows, enhancing operational efficiency and customer service.<\/p>\n

        Vendor Negotiations: With data-driven insights into their SaaS usage, Retail Plus Ltd. entered into more productive negotiations with their vendors, securing discounts and improved support packages.<\/p>\n

        These case studies showcase how AI-powered solutions can empower companies to proactively manage SaaS costs, negotiate effectively, and optimize their software subscriptions, ultimately resulting in significant cost savings and improved operational efficiency.<\/p>\n

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        Final Thoughts<\/h2>\n

        [\/et_pb_text][et_pb_divider divider_weight=”2px” _builder_version=”4.18.0″ max_width=”60px” module_alignment=”left” height=”2px” global_colors_info=”{}”][\/et_pb_divider][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.18.0″ text_font=”Poppins|300|||||||” text_text_color=”#0a0a0a” text_letter_spacing=”1px” text_line_height=”2em” max_width_tablet=”” max_width_phone=”” max_width_last_edited=”on|phone” min_height=”152px” custom_margin=”|-150px|39px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px|||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”|-52px||0px|false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”|0px|0px||false|false” custom_padding_tablet=”” custom_padding_phone=”” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” inline_fonts=”Poppins,Alata,Aclonica” global_colors_info=”{}”]<\/p>\n


        In the ever-evolving landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS), where innovation and convenience often come with a price, AI-powered solutions are emerging as a formidable shield against the challenges of SaaS price hikes. As we’ve explored in this article, AI’s ability to analyze historical pricing data, optimize SaaS usage, and forecast future costs is transforming the way businesses approach software subscriptions.<\/p>\n

        No longer do organizations need to navigate the murky waters of SaaS pricing changes blindly. With AI-driven predictive models, companies can anticipate and plan for potential price increases, ensuring that their budgets remain on track and their financial stability intact. This proactive approach is not just a means of cost management; it’s a strategic advantage in a world where agility and adaptability are paramount.<\/p>\n

        AI also plays a pivotal role in optimizing SaaS usage. By monitoring application usage and recommending cost-efficient alternatives or unused features, businesses can trim unnecessary expenses while maintaining productivity. These AI-driven insights are more than just cost savings; they’re a pathway to efficiency and competitiveness.<\/p>\n

        Moreover, AI isn’t just a financial tool; it’s a negotiation partner. Armed with AI-driven insights, businesses can engage in informed discussions with SaaS providers, leveraging data-backed arguments to secure more favorable contracts. Negotiating from a position of strength is the cornerstone of smart cost management.<\/p>\n

        As we’ve seen from real-world examples, companies are reaping the rewards of AI-powered SaaS cost optimization. They are reducing expenses, reallocating resources, and making strategic decisions that position them for long-term success. In the face of unpredictable pricing landscapes, AI is the ally that empowers organizations to take control of their software costs.<\/p>\n

        In conclusion, the era of SaaS price hikes need not be a source of anxiety or frustration. Instead, it’s an opportunity for businesses to embrace AI-powered solutions that provide clarity, control, and cost-effectiveness. As AI continues to evolve, its role in shielding businesses against SaaS price hikes is destined to become even more indispensable, enabling organizations to thrive in a digital world where innovation meets fiscal responsibility.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

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        As businesses increasingly rely on Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for their operations, they are confronted with the inevitable reality of price increases. While these hikes can strain budgets and disrupt workflows, the emergence of AI-powered tools offers a glimmer of hope.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"featured_media":7783,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_et_pb_use_builder":"on","_et_pb_old_content":"","_et_gb_content_width":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[2316,567,59,122],"tags":[51,2421,126,123],"class_list":["post-7779","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-ai-agents","category-artificial-intelligence","category-custom-software-development","category-saas-replacement","tag-ai","tag-ai-solutions","tag-saas","tag-saas-replacement"],"yoast_head":"AI-Powered Solutions: Your Shield Against SaaS Price Hikes<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Innovative ways AI is helping organizations counter SaaS price increases.\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/\/ai-powered-solutions-your-shield-against-saas-price-hikes\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"AI-Powered Solutions: Your Shield Against SaaS Price Hikes\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Innovative ways AI is helping organizations counter SaaS price increases.\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https:\/\/\/ai-powered-solutions-your-shield-against-saas-price-hikes\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"Michigan AI Application Development - 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