Cyber Security: Working Remote

Cyber Security, Trends

Securely working remotely means having a secure and private connection to your work network from a remote location, such as your home. This can be accomplished through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your computer and your work network.

Work From Home

Working remotely is when an employee works outside of the traditional office setting. This can mean working from home, a coffee shop, or even a coworking space. Securely working remotely means having a secure and private connection to your work network from a remote location, such as your home. This can be accomplished through a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your computer and your work network.

Trend Leveraging: Increase Productivity / Flexibility

Employer advantages for remote work is not limited to the tech industry. From healthcare to retail to finance and beyond, theres a growing number of employees across all industries who can work from home. In most cases, theres a point in the business lifecycle when its time to embrace remote work.

For example, a startup may need to hire talent that doesnt live in the same city. An established company may want to allow employees to work from home as a perk. And a company looking to downsize its office footprint may have to consider remote work as a way to reduce real estate costs. The key is to be strategic about it. Remote work isnt simply a way to save on rent. Its a way to create a competitive advantage, save time and money, and improve the quality of life for your employees.

The last few years have brought to light a number of advantages for employers when their employees work remotely. First, there is increased flexibility in terms of hours and days worked. This can lead to increased productivity as employees are able to better manage their time. Secondly, there is often a reduction in overhead costs associated with remote work, such as office space and equipment. Third, employers can attract a wider pool of talent when they offer remote work options, as not all candidates are willing or able to relocate. Fourth, remote work can lead to increased employee satisfaction and retention, as employees are often happier and more engaged when they have more control over their work-life balance. Finally, remote work can help employers build a more diverse and inclusive workforce, as employees from a variety of backgrounds and locations can be more easily accommodated.

Keep your Data and Devices Secure

Here are a few tips:

1. Use a VPN: A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts your internet traffic, making it much harder for anyone to snoop on your activity or steal your data.

2. Use strong passwords: This should go without saying, but its important to use strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts, especially if youre using a shared computer or device.

3. Be careful what you click: When youre working remotely, you may be more likely to click on links or attachments without thinking twice. Dont let your guard down only click on things that youre expecting and that come from trusted sources.

4. Keep your software up to date: Outdated software is one of the most common ways that hackers gain access to devices and systems. Make sure youre running the latest versions of all your software, and set your devices to update automatically if possible.

5. Back up your data: In case of any accidents or malware attacks, its important to have a backup of your data. This could be a physical backup (like an external hard drive) or a cloudbased backup (like iCloud or Google Drive).

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