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GrazzMean-Shell Shell

: /var/www/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
Uname: Linux wputd 5.4.0-200-generic #220-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 27 13:19:16 UTC 2024 x86_64
Software: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
PHP version: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 [ PHP INFO ] PHP os: Linux
Server Ip:
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User: www-data (33) | Group: www-data (33)
Safe Mode: OFF
Disable Function:

name : widgets-form.php
 * The classic widget administration screen, for use in widgets.php.
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Administration

// Don't load directly.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	die( '-1' );

$widgets_access = get_user_setting( 'widgets_access' );
if ( isset( $_GET['widgets-access'] ) ) {
	check_admin_referer( 'widgets-access' );

	$widgets_access = 'on' === $_GET['widgets-access'] ? 'on' : 'off';
	set_user_setting( 'widgets_access', $widgets_access );

if ( 'on' === $widgets_access ) {
	add_filter( 'admin_body_class', 'wp_widgets_access_body_class' );
} else {
	wp_enqueue_script( 'admin-widgets' );

	if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {
		wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-touch-punch' );

 * Fires early before the Widgets administration screen loads,
 * after scripts are enqueued.
 * @since 2.2.0
do_action( 'sidebar_admin_setup' );

		'id'      => 'overview',
		'title'   => __( 'Overview' ),
		'content' =>
				'<p>' . __( 'Widgets are independent sections of content that can be placed into any widgetized area provided by your theme (commonly called sidebars). To populate your sidebars/widget areas with individual widgets, drag and drop the title bars into the desired area. By default, only the first widget area is expanded. To populate additional widget areas, click on their title bars to expand them.' ) . '</p>
	<p>' . __( 'The Available Widgets section contains all the widgets you can choose from. Once you drag a widget into a sidebar, it will open to allow you to configure its settings. When you are happy with the widget settings, click the Save button and the widget will go live on your site. If you click Delete, it will remove the widget.' ) . '</p>',
		'id'      => 'removing-reusing',
		'title'   => __( 'Removing and Reusing' ),
		'content' =>
				'<p>' . __( 'If you want to remove the widget but save its setting for possible future use, just drag it into the Inactive Widgets area. You can add them back anytime from there. This is especially helpful when you switch to a theme with fewer or different widget areas.' ) . '</p>
	<p>' . __( 'Widgets may be used multiple times. You can give each widget a title, to display on your site, but it&#8217;s not required.' ) . '</p>
	<p>' . __( 'Enabling Accessibility Mode, via Screen Options, allows you to use Add and Edit buttons instead of using drag and drop.' ) . '</p>',
		'id'      => 'missing-widgets',
		'title'   => __( 'Missing Widgets' ),
		'content' =>
				'<p>' . __( 'Many themes show some sidebar widgets by default until you edit your sidebars, but they are not automatically displayed in your sidebar management tool. After you make your first widget change, you can re-add the default widgets by adding them from the Available Widgets area.' ) . '</p>' .
					'<p>' . __( 'When changing themes, there is often some variation in the number and setup of widget areas/sidebars and sometimes these conflicts make the transition a bit less smooth. If you changed themes and seem to be missing widgets, scroll down on this screen to the Inactive Widgets area, where all of your widgets and their settings will have been saved.' ) . '</p>',

	'<p><strong>' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '</strong></p>' .
	'<p>' . __( '<a href="">Documentation on Widgets</a>' ) . '</p>' .
	'<p>' . __( '<a href="">Support forums</a>' ) . '</p>'

// These are the widgets grouped by sidebar.
$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();

if ( empty( $sidebars_widgets ) ) {
	$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_widget_defaults();

foreach ( $sidebars_widgets as $sidebar_id => $widgets ) {
	if ( 'wp_inactive_widgets' === $sidebar_id ) {

	if ( ! is_registered_sidebar( $sidebar_id ) ) {
		if ( ! empty( $widgets ) ) { // Register the inactive_widgets area as sidebar.
					'name'          => __( 'Inactive Sidebar (not used)' ),
					'id'            => $sidebar_id,
					'class'         => 'inactive-sidebar orphan-sidebar',
					'description'   => __( 'This sidebar is no longer available and does not show anywhere on your site. Remove each of the widgets below to fully remove this inactive sidebar.' ),
					'before_widget' => '',
					'after_widget'  => '',
					'before_title'  => '',
					'after_title'   => '',
		} else {
			unset( $sidebars_widgets[ $sidebar_id ] );

// Register the inactive_widgets area as sidebar.
		'name'          => __( 'Inactive Widgets' ),
		'id'            => 'wp_inactive_widgets',
		'class'         => 'inactive-sidebar',
		'description'   => __( 'Drag widgets here to remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings.' ),
		'before_widget' => '',
		'after_widget'  => '',
		'before_title'  => '',
		'after_title'   => '',


// We're saving a widget without JS.
if ( isset( $_POST['savewidget'] ) || isset( $_POST['removewidget'] ) ) {
	$widget_id = $_POST['widget-id'];
	check_admin_referer( "save-delete-widget-$widget_id" );

	$number = isset( $_POST['multi_number'] ) ? (int) $_POST['multi_number'] : '';
	if ( $number ) {
		foreach ( $_POST as $key => $val ) {
			if ( is_array( $val ) && preg_match( '/__i__|%i%/', key( $val ) ) ) {
				$_POST[ $key ] = array( $number => array_shift( $val ) );

	$sidebar_id = $_POST['sidebar'];
	$position   = isset( $_POST[ $sidebar_id . '_position' ] ) ? (int) $_POST[ $sidebar_id . '_position' ] - 1 : 0;

	$id_base = $_POST['id_base'];
	$sidebar = isset( $sidebars_widgets[ $sidebar_id ] ) ? $sidebars_widgets[ $sidebar_id ] : array();

	// Delete.
	if ( isset( $_POST['removewidget'] ) && $_POST['removewidget'] ) {

		if ( ! in_array( $widget_id, $sidebar, true ) ) {
			wp_redirect( admin_url( 'widgets.php?error=0' ) );

		$sidebar = array_diff( $sidebar, array( $widget_id ) );
		$_POST   = array(
			'sidebar'            => $sidebar_id,
			'widget-' . $id_base => array(),
			'the-widget-id'      => $widget_id,
			'delete_widget'      => '1',

		 * Fires immediately after a widget has been marked for deletion.
		 * @since 4.4.0
		 * @param string $widget_id  ID of the widget marked for deletion.
		 * @param string $sidebar_id ID of the sidebar the widget was deleted from.
		 * @param string $id_base    ID base for the widget.
		do_action( 'delete_widget', $widget_id, $sidebar_id, $id_base );

	$_POST['widget-id'] = $sidebar;

	foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_widget_updates as $name => $control ) {
		if ( $name !== $id_base || ! is_callable( $control['callback'] ) ) {

			call_user_func_array( $control['callback'], $control['params'] );


	$sidebars_widgets[ $sidebar_id ] = $sidebar;

	// Remove old position.
	if ( ! isset( $_POST['delete_widget'] ) ) {
		foreach ( $sidebars_widgets as $key => $sb ) {
			if ( is_array( $sb ) ) {
				$sidebars_widgets[ $key ] = array_diff( $sb, array( $widget_id ) );
		array_splice( $sidebars_widgets[ $sidebar_id ], $position, 0, $widget_id );

	wp_set_sidebars_widgets( $sidebars_widgets );
	wp_redirect( admin_url( 'widgets.php?message=0' ) );

// Remove inactive widgets without JS.
if ( isset( $_POST['removeinactivewidgets'] ) ) {
	check_admin_referer( 'remove-inactive-widgets', '_wpnonce_remove_inactive_widgets' );

	if ( $_POST['removeinactivewidgets'] ) {
		foreach ( $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] as $key => $widget_id ) {
			$pieces       = explode( '-', $widget_id );
			$multi_number = array_pop( $pieces );
			$id_base      = implode( '-', $pieces );
			$widget       = get_option( 'widget_' . $id_base );
			unset( $widget[ $multi_number ] );
			update_option( 'widget_' . $id_base, $widget );
			unset( $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'][ $key ] );

		wp_set_sidebars_widgets( $sidebars_widgets );

	wp_redirect( admin_url( 'widgets.php?message=0' ) );

// Output the widget form without JS.
if ( isset( $_GET['editwidget'] ) && $_GET['editwidget'] ) {
	$widget_id = $_GET['editwidget'];

	if ( isset( $_GET['addnew'] ) ) {
		// Default to the first sidebar.
		$keys    = array_keys( $wp_registered_sidebars );
		$sidebar = reset( $keys );

		if ( isset( $_GET['base'] ) && isset( $_GET['num'] ) ) { // Multi-widget.
			// Copy minimal info from an existing instance of this widget to a new instance.
			foreach ( $wp_registered_widget_controls as $control ) {
				if ( $_GET['base'] === $control['id_base'] ) {
					$control_callback                                = $control['callback'];
					$multi_number                                    = (int) $_GET['num'];
					$control['params'][0]['number']                  = -1;
					$control['id']                                   = $control['id_base'] . '-' . $multi_number;
					$widget_id                                       = $control['id'];
					$wp_registered_widget_controls[ $control['id'] ] = $control;

	if ( isset( $wp_registered_widget_controls[ $widget_id ] ) && ! isset( $control ) ) {
		$control          = $wp_registered_widget_controls[ $widget_id ];
		$control_callback = $control['callback'];
	} elseif ( ! isset( $wp_registered_widget_controls[ $widget_id ] ) && isset( $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget_id ] ) ) {
		$name = esc_html( strip_tags( $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget_id ]['name'] ) );

	if ( ! isset( $name ) ) {
		$name = esc_html( strip_tags( $control['name'] ) );

	if ( ! isset( $sidebar ) ) {
		$sidebar = isset( $_GET['sidebar'] ) ? $_GET['sidebar'] : 'wp_inactive_widgets';

	if ( ! isset( $multi_number ) ) {
		$multi_number = isset( $control['params'][0]['number'] ) ? $control['params'][0]['number'] : '';

	$id_base = isset( $control['id_base'] ) ? $control['id_base'] : $control['id'];

	// Show the widget form.
	$width = ' style="width:' . max( $control['width'], 350 ) . 'px"';
	$key   = isset( $_GET['key'] ) ? (int) $_GET['key'] : 0;

	require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';
	<div class="wrap">
	<h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>
	<div class="editwidget"<?php echo $width; ?>>
	/* translators: %s: Widget name. */
	printf( __( 'Widget %s' ), $name );

	<form action="widgets.php" method="post">
	<div class="widget-inside">
	if ( is_callable( $control_callback ) ) {
		call_user_func_array( $control_callback, $control['params'] );
	} else {
		echo '<p>' . __( 'There are no options for this widget.' ) . "</p>\n";

	<p class="describe"><?php _e( 'Select both the sidebar for this widget and the position of the widget in that sidebar.' ); ?></p>
	<div class="widget-position">
	<table class="widefat"><thead><tr><th><?php _e( 'Sidebar' ); ?></th><th><?php _e( 'Position' ); ?></th></tr></thead><tbody>
	foreach ( $wp_registered_sidebars as $sbname => $sbvalue ) {
		echo "\t\t<tr><td><label><input type='radio' name='sidebar' value='" . esc_attr( $sbname ) . "'" . checked( $sbname, $sidebar, false ) . " /> $sbvalue[name]</label></td><td>";
		if ( 'wp_inactive_widgets' === $sbname || str_starts_with( $sbname, 'orphaned_widgets' ) ) {
			echo '&nbsp;';
		} else {
			if ( ! isset( $sidebars_widgets[ $sbname ] ) || ! is_array( $sidebars_widgets[ $sbname ] ) ) {
				$j                           = 1;
				$sidebars_widgets[ $sbname ] = array();
			} else {
				$j = count( $sidebars_widgets[ $sbname ] );
				if ( isset( $_GET['addnew'] ) || ! in_array( $widget_id, $sidebars_widgets[ $sbname ], true ) ) {
			$selected = '';
			echo "\t\t<select name='{$sbname}_position'>\n";
			echo "\t\t<option value=''>" . __( '&mdash; Select &mdash;' ) . "</option>\n";
			for ( $i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++ ) {
				if ( in_array( $widget_id, $sidebars_widgets[ $sbname ], true ) ) {
					$selected = selected( $i, $key + 1, false );
				echo "\t\t<option value='$i'$selected> $i </option>\n";
			echo "\t\t</select>\n";
		echo "</td></tr>\n";

	<div class="widget-control-actions">
		<div class="alignleft">
			<?php if ( ! isset( $_GET['addnew'] ) ) : ?>
				<input type="submit" name="removewidget" id="removewidget" class="button-link button-link-delete widget-control-remove" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Delete' ); ?>" />
				<span class="widget-control-close-wrapper">
					| <a href="widgets.php" class="button-link widget-control-close"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></a>
			<?php else : ?>
				<a href="widgets.php" class="button-link widget-control-close"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></a>
			<?php endif; ?>
		<div class="alignright">
			<?php submit_button( __( 'Save Widget' ), 'primary alignright', 'savewidget', false ); ?>
			<input type="hidden" name="widget-id" class="widget-id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $widget_id ); ?>" />
			<input type="hidden" name="id_base" class="id_base" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $id_base ); ?>" />
			<input type="hidden" name="multi_number" class="multi_number" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $multi_number ); ?>" />
			<?php wp_nonce_field( "save-delete-widget-$widget_id" ); ?>
		<br class="clear" />

	require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php';

$messages = array(
	__( 'Changes saved.' ),

$errors = array(
	__( 'Error while saving.' ),
	__( 'Error in displaying the widget settings form.' ),

require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';

<div class="wrap">
<h1 class="wp-heading-inline">
echo esc_html( $title );

if ( current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) {
		' <a class="page-title-action hide-if-no-customize" href="%1$s">%2$s</a>',
					array( 'autofocus' => array( 'panel' => 'widgets' ) ),
					'return' => urlencode( remove_query_arg( wp_removable_query_args(), wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) ),
				admin_url( 'customize.php' )
		__( 'Manage with Live Preview' )

$nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'widgets-access' );
<div class="widget-access-link">
	<a id="access-on" href="widgets.php?widgets-access=on&_wpnonce=<?php echo urlencode( $nonce ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Enable accessibility mode' ); ?></a><a id="access-off" href="widgets.php?widgets-access=off&_wpnonce=<?php echo urlencode( $nonce ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Disable accessibility mode' ); ?></a>

<hr class="wp-header-end">

if ( isset( $_GET['message'] ) && isset( $messages[ $_GET['message'] ] ) ) {
		$messages[ $_GET['message'] ],
			'id'                 => 'message',
			'additional_classes' => array( 'updated' ),
			'dismissible'        => true,
if ( isset( $_GET['error'] ) && isset( $errors[ $_GET['error'] ] ) ) {
		$errors[ $_GET['error'] ],
			'id'                 => 'message',
			'additional_classes' => array( 'error' ),
			'dismissible'        => true,

 * Fires before the Widgets administration page content loads.
 * @since 3.0.0
do_action( 'widgets_admin_page' );

<div class="widget-liquid-left">
<div id="widgets-left">
	<div id="available-widgets" class="widgets-holder-wrap">
		<div class="sidebar-name">
			<button type="button" class="handlediv hide-if-no-js" aria-expanded="true">
				<span class="screen-reader-text">
					/* translators: Hidden accessibility text. */
					_e( 'Available Widgets' );
				<span class="toggle-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span>
			<h2><?php _e( 'Available Widgets' ); ?> <span id="removing-widget"><?php _ex( 'Deactivate', 'removing-widget' ); ?> <span></span></span></h2>
		<div class="widget-holder">
			<div class="sidebar-description">
				<p class="description"><?php _e( 'To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a widget and delete its settings, drag it back.' ); ?></p>
			<div id="widget-list">
				<?php wp_list_widgets(); ?>
			<br class='clear' />
		<br class="clear" />


$theme_sidebars = array();
foreach ( $wp_registered_sidebars as $sidebar => $registered_sidebar ) {
	if ( str_contains( $registered_sidebar['class'], 'inactive-sidebar' ) || str_starts_with( $sidebar, 'orphaned_widgets' ) ) {
		$wrap_class = 'widgets-holder-wrap';
		if ( ! empty( $registered_sidebar['class'] ) ) {
			$wrap_class .= ' ' . $registered_sidebar['class'];

		$is_inactive_widgets = 'wp_inactive_widgets' === $registered_sidebar['id'];
		<div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $wrap_class ); ?>">
			<div class="widget-holder inactive">
				<?php wp_list_widget_controls( $registered_sidebar['id'], $registered_sidebar['name'] ); ?>

				<?php if ( $is_inactive_widgets ) { ?>
				<div class="remove-inactive-widgets">
					<form method="post">
							$attributes = array( 'id' => 'inactive-widgets-control-remove' );

							if ( empty( $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] ) ) {
								$attributes['disabled'] = '';

							submit_button( __( 'Clear Inactive Widgets' ), 'delete', 'removeinactivewidgets', false, $attributes );
							<span class="spinner"></span>
						<?php wp_nonce_field( 'remove-inactive-widgets', '_wpnonce_remove_inactive_widgets' ); ?>
				<?php } ?>
			<?php if ( $is_inactive_widgets ) { ?>
			<p class="description"><?php _e( 'This will clear all items from the inactive widgets list. You will not be able to restore any customizations.' ); ?></p>
			<?php } ?>

	} else {
		$theme_sidebars[ $sidebar ] = $registered_sidebar;


$i                    = 0;
$split                = 0;
$single_sidebar_class = '';
$sidebars_count       = count( $theme_sidebars );

if ( $sidebars_count > 1 ) {
	$split = (int) ceil( $sidebars_count / 2 );
} else {
	$single_sidebar_class = ' single-sidebar';

<div class="widget-liquid-right">
<div id="widgets-right" class="wp-clearfix<?php echo $single_sidebar_class; ?>">
<div class="sidebars-column-1">

foreach ( $theme_sidebars as $sidebar => $registered_sidebar ) {
	$wrap_class = 'widgets-holder-wrap';
	if ( ! empty( $registered_sidebar['class'] ) ) {
		$wrap_class .= ' sidebar-' . $registered_sidebar['class'];

	if ( $i > 0 ) {
		$wrap_class .= ' closed';

	if ( $split && $i === $split ) {
		</div><div class="sidebars-column-2">

	<div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $wrap_class ); ?>">
		// Show the control forms for each of the widgets in this sidebar.
		wp_list_widget_controls( $sidebar, $registered_sidebar['name'] );


<form method="post">
<?php wp_nonce_field( 'save-sidebar-widgets', '_wpnonce_widgets', false ); ?>
<br class="clear" />

<div class="widgets-chooser">
	<ul class="widgets-chooser-sidebars"></ul>
	<div class="widgets-chooser-actions">
		<button class="button widgets-chooser-cancel"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></button>
		<button class="button button-primary widgets-chooser-add"><?php _e( 'Add Widget' ); ?></button>


 * Fires after the available widgets and sidebars have loaded, before the admin footer.
 * @since 2.2.0
do_action( 'sidebar_admin_page' );
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php';
© 2025 GrazzMean-Shell
Cyber Security: Ransomware, Malware, and Understanding the Difference - Michigan AI Application Development - Best Microsoft C# Developers & Technologists

Cyber Security: Ransomware, Malware, and Understanding the Difference

Cyber Security, Technology

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user's files and demands a ransom be paid to the attacker in order to decrypt the files. Malware, on the other hand, is a general term used to describe any type of malicious software.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victims files and demands a ransom to decrypt them. Ransomware is typically spread through phishing emails or by infecting websites with malicious code. Once a system is infected, the ransomware will encrypt files on the hard drive and any connected network drives. The victim will then see a message demanding a ransom, typically in the form of cryptocurrency, to decrypt the files.

Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common, with attackers using more sophisticated methods to infect victims computers. One of the biggest challenges with ransomware is that it can be very difficult to remove once it has infected a computer. Many ransomware programs use strong encryption that can‘t be broken easily. Even if a victim is able to decrypt their files, they may not be able to restore all of their data. Another challenge with ransomware is that it can be difficult to prevent. Attackers are constantly coming up with new ways to deliver their malware, and it can be hard to keep up with all the latest threats. Even if a victim has a good antivirus program, it may not be able to detect and remove all ransomware. Finally, ransomware can be very costly for victims. In many cases, victims are asked to pay a ransom in order to get their files back. However, there is no guarantee that the attackers will actually provide the decryption key after the payment is made. This means that victims could end up losing their data permanently, even if they do pay the ransom.


Malware is a type of software that is designed to damage or disable computers and computer systems. Malware can be used to collect sensitive information, destroy data, or take control of a system. Malware is often spread through email or other types of online communication.

There are many challenges with malware including:

  1. Malware is constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated.
  2. Malware is often designed to evade detection by traditional security solutions.
  3. Malware can cause serious damage to systems and data.
  4. Malware can be difficult to remove once it has infected a system.
  5. Malware can be used to steal sensitive information or launch attacks against other systems.

Ransomware vs. Malware and IT Security

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s files and demands a ransom be paid to the attacker in order to decrypt the files. Malware, on the other hand, is a general term used to describe any type of malicious software, including viruses, Trojans, worms, and spyware. Both can be used to maliciously harm computer systems and both can be used to extort money from victims. However, ransomware is typically used to target individual users or small businesses, while malware is more often used to target larger organizations.

Security is integral in IT because it helps to protect information and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction. It also helps to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and systems.

Virus prevention systems are important because they help to protect our computers and networks from damaging viruses. By having a system in place, we can help to reduce the spread of viruses and protect our data.

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