
Mobile Commerce, or M-commerce, refers to transactions conducted via a mobile device (cell phone, tablet) rather than a computer (e-commerce). M-commerce is much more than shopping these days, it includes transactions such as banking, investing, bill pay and more.

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Mobile Commerce

Mobile Commerce, or M-Commerce, refers to transactions conducted via a mobile device (cell phone, tablet) rather than a computer (ecommerce). M-commerce is much more than shopping these days, it includes transactions such as banking, investing, bill pay and more. We have witnessed the rapid growth of mobile commerce with the increasing capabilities of handheld devices as well as extensive security enhancements.

According to statistics, global e-commerce sales are projected to reach $5.4 trillion in 2022 and $1 trillion in the US market alone. As the e-commerce industry continues to thrive, businesses have embraced today’s technologies to compete and grow their business online.

Mcommerce success relies on superior usability and experience.  Enhanced user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), as well as speed, efficiency, and security functionalities are the cornerstones.  Additionally, offering a mobile-ready and responsive website with the above functionalities will position your business for success in a world where more than half of web traffic is generated from mobile devices.

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